Wednesday 16 November 2011

One more reason to stop smoking

If do you want quit smoking but you find it difficult, it’s a good idea moving to UK.
The British country will encourage you with an extension in the ban.

Today the British Medical Association (BMA) has launched a further prohibition on smoking in all private vehicles to protect drivers and passengers.
“We do not believe that legislation is the most effective way to encourage people to change their behaviour” a Department of Health spokesman said.

After the ban to smoke in public places introduced in 2007, now BMA is due to take more action to save the health of the people, in particularly the Youngers. The children are more affected than adults because they don’t have the choice and they have to accept the situation where they are.
The extension of the legislation maybe will meet some concern from the Government and from the population because it can be seen as a limitation of freedom.

The debate is if the decision to enforce the ban is the right solution to solve the problem and reduce the numbers of smokers.    
Some people can argue is good, but they can be no-smokers and campaigners against smoking anyway. Others don’t mind about the proposal.  At least, there are some people who believe this new step on banning smoking is just too much and it damages the personal freedom. They think that outlawing something in a strict way, like is, don’t give the result.
The prohibition is not the right process to approach a problem and tackle it.

However BMA is going to push through the legislation and the campaign to publicise the bad consequences of smoking and the high risks connected, particularly for the second-hand smokers.

UK seems want to throw away the cigarettes from the country.
In UK the price of a pack of cigarettes is around 7 £, one of the highest in Europe.  Northway is 10 Euro, but the average in EU is between 4 and 5 Euro. Italy for example is 4.5 Euro. According to the BBC, the price has risen up to 50 p a pack during this year.     

Moreover, if do you like smoking, you have to go outside any building because the ban in public places and the alarm in the houses. You have to fight with the cold weather and the freezing wind.
Now you will not allow smoking in your car. Seems you don’t have a comfortable place to smoke.
In the most of cases people smoke because they are bored, stressed or insecure. Mainly the Youngers smoke to show they are strong and adult.

Smoking is a really bad habit for many reasons:
1.      It annoys and bothers many people
2.      It’s dangerous for your health and anyone know it
3.      It’s harmful also for the others with you for toxins and chemicals
4.      It’s a serious  addiction and do you can cope with your stress and problems in a different way
5.      It’s expensive. Today with the economic crisis the cuts on cigarettes can help your savings
6.      Now it’s banned almost everywhere and the only safe place is outside in the cold chilly coming winter.

In the end stop poisoning your body and just quit smoking.
It’s time to change!

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