Friday 4 November 2011

Hard life for young Journalist

Your mobile rings at 3 am, your interview is gone. Simple mex tells you some problems sort out and for that time is not possible, maybe could arrange later the next week. But you can't way the next week and you need that person so..change news.
In the second situation your mobile is calling but seems no one is available for a camera-interview. After four times the last attempt: "We prefer not be filmed. Could you interview on the phone right now?" "no, I need to shoot".. Better change news.
The third situation is similar. You are fighting on the phone to get the permission for shoot into a public building, and maybe you are getting it. But, after 20 minutes of discussion and lots of money through in the bin, the Press office asks you: "Are you a professional journalist or a student?"I think is anyway better say the tru so.."I'm MA student" And the sentence: "Sorry, we have a lot of enquiries and we can't care about the students". His is the end.
The end of a bad day when I have to change my mind three times to find a news to run.
The life o a journalist is not definitely easy. Why does no one want to speak with me or give his witness if I'm doing something that have to interested them? Why do the people are scared of the journalist? Doors shutted and no, no, no, please.
If you are a student is worst sometimes. "No, thanks.we don't have time." What's is wrong? I'm learning and I'm getting the skills in a MA, I pay my rent in this area and I have the right to be helped if I'm working for the social welfare. The answer is not. Is not easy.
If you have a camera is another problem. The people prefer not put their face and you have to persuade them very kindly, or find some "showman in charge" that would like to show off and be filmed.
Many difficulties is in front of our way, and you have to be strong because your work, the life that you decided to run is a challange. Exciting challange every day. Every news. Lot of pressure have to be manage and to get stress from the situation is the wrong way. The key is to see the stirring thing that you are any time on the roll.
At the end I get my news. Another news. I have arrange my interview for the day after in the early morning. So happy. And so exausted. I go to bed.
I've realized in the night I have a problem with the battery and no way to charge them. I start to send mex to any friends to borrowing a charger or new battery. 3 hours to my interview and no answers, I have to wait someone wakes up.
At 8.30 I get the charger and run to the place.
I have my beautiful interview.

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