Friday 18 November 2011


Everyone know the power of the advertising and the importance to find out the best way to publicize a product. The aim of any advertinsing campain is to catch the attention immediatly with a strong image. Do you have to hit your custumer, to persuade him to buy.

The picture you choose is crucial.

The current trend in the media and marketing is to use shocking and provocative images to blow your mind, so you feel more interested in the what they are offering.
This is not a free zone, there are limits and implied rules, that have to be considered.

However the game is to break those rules and find any kind of revolutionary idea.

Sometimes the use of that image can be controversial and incorrect.

The example is the current worldwide "Unhate" advertising campaign of Benetton. The cloting Company has used a montage of world leaders kissing to get the most impact on the people. There is Chavez kissing Obama, Sarkò Kissing Angela Merkel and eventually the harmful kiss between Benedict XVI and Mohamed Ahmed al Tayeb.
The Vatican condemned the picture as an outrage  and started a legal action to withdraw the poster and prevent a further circulation.

The Press secretary Father Federico Lombardi commented: "It's unacceptable use of a manipulated image of the Holy Father, used as part of a publicity campaign with commercial ends. I's a serious lak of respect for the Pope, an affornt to the feelings of the faithful and an evident demonstration of how, in the field of advertising, the most elemental rules of respect for others can be broken in order to attract attention by provocation."(Guardian)

These words are so true it is impossibile to replay. The tendency to put everything can get audience and customers is become common and is evident in many TV programmes, adverts, movies, etc.
Bennetton immediatly apologised for the offence caused and said it have different intentions connected only to combat the culture of hatred in all its form. So no meaning underlined to hurt or insult anyone.

When money and power run, most of the times the people don't think about that there are limits: respect is one of these. Do you can make joke about everthing but not about the faith because it's kind of holy to take care.
Today is possible to make any kind of photomontage and manipulated any images, showing everything you want the people see. We are in the no-limits era. Money is the God. It is important just buying the people and carry them to belive in what are you telling or selling.

However there is a borderline. And it is inside us, in our ethics and morality. We are human, before being objects of market. We are people with rules and dignity, we have a belivies and religions, which whom we can't jobe.
We need to remember the meaning of the word RESPECT!

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