Sunday 13 November 2011

The "alternative medicine" made from CHINA

Nowadays Chinese remedies are common practices in the West. They are known as "alternative medicine" and include different practise as acupunture, herbal medicine and tuina-therapeutic massage.

In UK there are existimated around 6.000 shop, but according to the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine just a bit more 700 professionally are qualitied and registered with ATCM.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine has over 3.000 years of experience and trought East Asia now is booming all over the world, particularly in UK. 

Many shops across the country offer treatments, ranking  any king of diseases and conditions: Insomnia, Stress, Skin problems, Cystitis, Kidney Stones,   Infertility, Asthma, etc.
Also the Chinese medical cure is usefull agaist some addictions, like alcohol and smoking and it can help strengthen their immune system to fight cancerous cells.

The main concers about the Chinese Medicine are about the contents of the products they sells and about the competence of the doctors.

The examination lasts 5 minutes and is based on the measure of your pulse and how your tongue looks. Is it possible pick out your problem just in that short time and without exams?
Maybe this easy way to diagnose is perfect, but almost unbelivable for our medicine.

In the West is common doing lots of tests to identify the right medication. The Chinese Medicine need to show more credibility compare to our cure.

Relating the content of the pills, the question is wide.

According to the BBC, many shops were accused to sell illegal medicine to make money. Some pills use herb considered dangerous to be banned for their potential side-effects.

BBC reported a case of a man who had a damage heart. "My heart used to slow down and speed up. I honestly thought I was dying" said David Woods, a patient using fenfluarmine.

The Daily Mail got another case happen last year. Patricia Booth took a chinese herb for 5 years and after she has lost both kidneys and developed a cancer of the urinary tract.

Many other shocking stories are attested in the news.

The result is that the Chinese Medicine seems dodgy and not safe.

According to Journal of Chinese Medicine, in February 2011 the Uk Government announced the herbalist, including Chinese herbal medicine, will be regualted by the Health Professions Council from April 2012.
The decision to put the "alternative medicine" under statutory regulation will protect patients and legitimate practitioner.

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