Monday 14 November 2011

Italian reality

Full restaurants, expensive shops, luxury brand on the citizien clothes.

The italian image glittered with fashion and trendy happy hours is not the true.

The country seems to show abroad a fake idea of itself.

The poverty has risen drammatically and the people are in difficulties to affort the dayly life .

According to the Guardian, many charities have problem to cope with many people that go there for a free meal. The part of the population most affected are  pensioners,  divorced fathers and many families where parents lose their jobs. Also the Youngers suffer from the economical crisis and they have less opportunity for education and work. The youth unemployment is soaring and hit a record of 29.3%, reported in The Guardian Newspaper. The students face a lots of problem for a future clouded by uncertainty and insecurity.

Italy is a county that is not used to deal with the problem and solve them. The trend is to delay and maybe pray that someone can fix in behalf of you. The mainly attitude is postponing any solutions, because there is time and no hurry to decide straightaway.

The present situation required Italy to be more assertive and efficent. No more late. The allarming consequences from the economical crisis are draining the population. The new Goverment lead by Mario Monti has the hard responsability to refresh the general welfare system, giving more confidence in the politics. The reforms have to change completely the lifestyle and the italian mind, expecially in the middle class.

This is the moment to show the strengh and the will to make it different and to belive in a better future.

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