Friday 11 November 2011

Eurozone crisis fears UK population

After the last developments of the EU, what remains is a faster turmoil spreading out the Eurozone.
Uk is one of the most affected because almost 40% of its trade is with Euro contries.
The big impact is on growth and jobs.

Chancellor George Osborne said: "There's no doubt that growth in Britain, jobs in Britain, have been hit by what's going on in the eurozone.”

The future of Eurozone is uncertain and Britain have to deal with the effect of this instability. MP David Cameron agrees that the concers  today are related to keep safe from the economical storm.

Is not just the stock market falling down, investments, prices, At present the situation hits UK job and the people will suffer more for that.
According to The Office for National Statistics (ONS), the unemployment rate also increased to 8.1%. BBC report update on 12 October showed the unemployment total for 16-24 year olds hit a record high of 991,000 in the quarter, a jobless rate of 21.3%.
This is a huge amount and the result is more malcontent in the population.

Job cuts put the families in difficuties to affort the daily life. Hight prices, inflation, hight taxes and fee made the people angry, stressed and less proactive. They can't buy houses, pay mortgage or rent and look after their children.
Also the student will be affected. They struggle to get a good degree or a MA and then the opportunities will be less and the parents can’t go ahead to pay for them.  Maybe they will go abroad to study or just they give up the education instead start an apprenship or a work. 

Many protests, violent riots become more common all over the contry. The people can accept to stay in so bad conditions because they have the right to live a normal life and the possibility to be happy.

Everyone is agree with Davis Cameron:  The main priority now is to safe the country and the citizen.

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