Monday 7 November 2011

Discussion on Chinese Stereotype

Every country has their stereotype spread all over the world. Maybe they are completely false and incorrect but they still alive in any culture.

Here about Chinese stereotype:

All Chinese are good at Math.  This is not a common evidence. There are some good in Math as in any country.

Chinese people work hard. This is true. The history make them be used to working many hours and with fatigue. Work is a duty for your family and your country.

Chinese are accused to copying things, instead invent. “Maybe is right now, but in the past we were success inventors” Luna said.

Every Chinese is an expert in martial arts and Kung fu. However this is part of their culture. In ancient China people martial arts were a military training and self-defence need. 

Chinese culture is defined by being traditional and conservative. The reality is that False, modern China is very  modern and developed countries. Major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai are big and advanced metropolises.

Chinese thinks that money can buy anything. Unfortunately this is true. Many of Chinese people are business-oriented and they thing the money rule the world.

Chinese are stingy. This can be true.  They are generally stingy, but very generous with their family and friends.

East Asian men are misogynistic, insensitive and disrespectful towards women. This belief comes from the past and the influence of Confucio’s religion where Chinese women were subordinate to men. At present women are free, independent and they get relevant roles in the society.

The only food in China is rice. Indeed rice is the main food in China and Chinese people are very proud of they food. They  love it and they are not opened to lot’s other kind of food.

Chinese people do not care about politics. That’s false. Chinese do care about politics., just hey don’t want to speak about politics.

At the end, it’s better do not trust to much to the stereotype. The best way to know a country and the people is experience it and its culture.

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