Saturday 26 November 2011

How the people change

This is me.
This was me in October 2010. Coud you believe?

I was blond, light blond and short hair. I look fake and I was fake.
This was a mask I had put over my fragile being. Something to cover my unstable and precarious situation. I was shaking my life, my feelings, my decision. My mental heath was in danger and my reaction was to find a way to show to the people I was ok. But it wasn't.

My life was a mess, just wrong decisions, big mistakes. And unhappiness.

Everyone knows what the feeling is in these moment. Maybe it's a drastic event that hurts you, maybe a relevant change in your life that you do not expect, maybe is just a chain of bad decisions made without considering the consequences.

In my case was a mix of all: difficulties in my ex-relationship, misunderstanding with my family and lack of concentration and interest in my studies.
I felt so depressed that I coudn't find a reason to be happy and I always try to find new and different stimulous and attractions outside, from other people.

I used to change myself, my routine and my hobbies, searching what can give me a new input and energies to live.
Anxiety and stress kept me in a viciuos circle and I was permanent sad. I has put on a lot of stress that has gone with me for a long long time.

I was blond to attract attention from the people. I dressed sexy and short skirt because I was insecure.
I went to the club and I never enjoyed myself.
I has a False and dummy friends, showing off what they have got.

My life was a mock mirror of sadness...

In these moments you need the help of someone that love you to open your eyes and see that you can change the course of the things. Life is a process that you can make different.

My mum was my angel.

I transform my present and I believe in a wonderful future.
I left my country, I said goodbye to my gloomy past.
I have got diffent eyes and I am just what I am. No mask. No baubles.

In my future I want to help the people less lucky than me with my job, with my possibilities. I believe in the social relevance of the journalist work for the society.
Being a Journalist is awkward job with the hard mission to tell about the word, giving a meaning to what's happen.


  1. Dear, hope you are happy now~! Do not worried about anything. Tomorrow is another day. :) Kiss. ----w.zeng

  2. Lo sapevo che prima o poi uscivi fuori da dove ti avevo lasciato.....lo sapevo perchè tu non eri uguale quel mondo di plastica che mi avevi mostrato ed ero sicuro che prima o poi te ne saresti uscita...anzi ad ogni telefonata lo speravo...e adesso finalmente posso dirti..BRAVA..this is your way continua così ho fatto sempre il tifo per questa Stefania...
    By just nick Peanuts
