Tuesday 15 November 2011

Crisis is choice to change

To find out the real meaning of the word crisis we have to go back ironically to the Ancient Greek.
Krisis means "a separating, power of distinguishing, decision, choice, election, judgment, dispute" and it is related to  the verb krinō that means "to pick out, choose, decide, judge”. 
So it is not just a unstable and dangerous situation in politics, economic or social events where it is visible only the traumatic consequences. Crisis means also an opportunity.

This consideration make us thinking about the current situation in the Eurozone.

"Out of the euro crisis come an opportunity for the EU to rethink its purpose and rules. Change brings opportunities.An opportunity to refashion the EU so it better serves this nation's interest and the interests of its other 26 nation too." said  Prime Minister David Cameron speaking at the Lord Mayor's banquet in London yesterday. (Guardian)

The German chancellor Angela Markel underline the same issue during the annual conference with her Christian Democratic Union Party in Leizing yesterday morning.
"UE need a political union, we need a new Europe." she said and added: "It's time for a breakthrough to a new Europe through the crisis, Europe is growing closer together and Europeans are discovering that decisions taken in one country can have anourmous impact on the rest of Europe".
She warned Europe is facing perhaps its toughest time since the Second War World. (Financial Time)

Europe needs a new stable mechanism, particularly an efficinet political system and a severe fiscal union to solve the financial trauma.

The political crisis in Italy can give the possibility  to the country with Super Mario to renovate the political casta, restore confidence in the market and relive the economy. The way for the welfare can be undertaken now.

The growth always passes through hard time of crisis and difficulties. This is the moment , where more effort is required, where the people can challange theirselves, push their energies and strenghs to jump up. Grow up basically.
Behind there is the past habits ans securities, foward the future, uncertain and insecure, but exiting. You are in the present, in the middle-way. The turning-point to find out researchs and try different.
The crisis price is high and sometimes you can't see the solution.
But do be optimistic! A positive attitude will help you to cope with the problems and face everything with a different and mature view.
Crisis is  transformation.

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