Monday 21 November 2011

Gloomy Christmas

Economical crisis dictates the rules at this time.

On the Hight streets, in retail shops and shopping centres less shoppers buy things and Christmas stuff.
Just one month before the Christianity's festivity and the shops sales still struggling to survive.

According to the Guardian the retailer's sales are 3.2% lower than last year in the week to Saturday, amid the 2011 UK trend to minimize the Cristmas's shopping.

The shop windows show mid-season sale and amazing discounts by up to 40% to encourage people to buy. (BBC)

However the population tighten their belts because of the crisis. The average wage at low level, the mounting inflation and unemployment make difficult for the people to spash the cash and buy the surplus. They tend to care about the essential and think about their savings.

The situation is not easy for the average of the families. They have less disponibility and try to cut wherever is not necessary. It's not a matter if is Christmas time.

Otavia is one of mine friend who live in London, sharing a small appartment and doing a part-time job in a  studio design. Her parents help her with the rent from Brazil but the cost of the life is still high. She has to pay big attetion about her economical management.

"Everything is so expensive: the food, the transport, the daily life. I can't image to do any shopping now. I think I will wait the sales in December to buy something." she said, and added: "And for Christmass little present. I will buy something online. It's cheaper. Or maybe I can cook some little cakes, why not?"

The shopping on internet is definitively on rise. 
Britons are expected to spend more than £7.75billion online during December, according to e-tailing trade association IMRG.

Today Amazon and Comet, the two of Britain's biggest retail have launched a week of bargains, offering items up to 50 per cent discounts. (The Telegraph)

 Everyone agree that it's hard time in sales. Some shops in High Streets have to shut up because of the cost they had to pay is unsuistanable. (Metro)

If you ask on the street to the people why they are not buying, you can have a curios but real answer. "It's warm enough. I don't need to buy now." a girl said. This is true. the weather is  helping our financial and not the market.

The mild and unseasonal weather don't require the usual warmer clothes and hits drammatically the sales. (The Guardian)

Faux, coats, cashmire and sharves seems not be needed this year. They still unsold.
The climate's change has put foward the winter time or simply increases the normal temperatures.

The shops have to be patient, trusting in bad weather and economic recovery. It will be better if happen before Christmas.

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