Wednesday 30 November 2011

The real love of Marilyn Monroe
Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson.
But everyone calls her Marily Monroe.

She was the most popular hollywood actress, successful models and beauty icon of the twentieth century and still now she is considered one of the most attractive and sexy woman. She has become history, a legend.

Her platinum shade of blonde and her curvy body have become a trademark for beauty.

Her breathy and blonde bombshell appeal combined with her light comic approach to acting taught to women how using the glamour and charm to get men falling in love.

She used her body as a key of female power.
She alway smiled: winking smile and innocent glancing. And any man could not resist.

What was the secret hidden behind her behaviour? Who was the real Marilyn?

She described her with this words: “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

Marylin was a real mess. Behind the glittered apparence, she was weak and unstable most of the time. A volatile nature and frail personality was her secret.

The reason of her insecurity is hidden in her chilhood.
She went from orphanages to friend's family who looked after her until she was in the age to got married.

At thas moment started his tourbulence time with man, because she wanted to be protected and kept safe in every of her relationship.

She was unable to give love but live as a bloodsucker on the skin to steal all your energies.
She was angry of love.

She was always scared to be left.
Her father died and her mother had never been present in her life because of her mental health problems.

Her reaction was underpinned the way she behave.  
The result of her lack of stability in childhood pointed out  her feeling of being unwanted. 
She tried to replace the father and mother, the family she never really had, through her marriages. 

However she just absorbed her husbands's energies and wanted them to recove her sick personality. What she really desired was to be loved, to fell LOVE.

She said : “I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”

Marilyn Monroe had got all the love and popularity from the people but  was not the feeling she was looking for.

The point was she was too sick to get real love because she didn't love herself and she was unable to give love.

Marilyn was a sensible person and  while suffering she experienced the real sadness of the world.
The face of the  world made of image and apparence.

Her energy was as an hurraicane. She was an hurraicane.

This below is one of her tip for the life.

“This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, somg go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babve, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up becuase if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.”

Saturday 26 November 2011

How the people change

This is me.
This was me in October 2010. Coud you believe?

I was blond, light blond and short hair. I look fake and I was fake.
This was a mask I had put over my fragile being. Something to cover my unstable and precarious situation. I was shaking my life, my feelings, my decision. My mental heath was in danger and my reaction was to find a way to show to the people I was ok. But it wasn't.

My life was a mess, just wrong decisions, big mistakes. And unhappiness.

Everyone knows what the feeling is in these moment. Maybe it's a drastic event that hurts you, maybe a relevant change in your life that you do not expect, maybe is just a chain of bad decisions made without considering the consequences.

In my case was a mix of all: difficulties in my ex-relationship, misunderstanding with my family and lack of concentration and interest in my studies.
I felt so depressed that I coudn't find a reason to be happy and I always try to find new and different stimulous and attractions outside, from other people.

I used to change myself, my routine and my hobbies, searching what can give me a new input and energies to live.
Anxiety and stress kept me in a viciuos circle and I was permanent sad. I has put on a lot of stress that has gone with me for a long long time.

I was blond to attract attention from the people. I dressed sexy and short skirt because I was insecure.
I went to the club and I never enjoyed myself.
I has a False and dummy friends, showing off what they have got.

My life was a mock mirror of sadness...

In these moments you need the help of someone that love you to open your eyes and see that you can change the course of the things. Life is a process that you can make different.

My mum was my angel.

I transform my present and I believe in a wonderful future.
I left my country, I said goodbye to my gloomy past.
I have got diffent eyes and I am just what I am. No mask. No baubles.

In my future I want to help the people less lucky than me with my job, with my possibilities. I believe in the social relevance of the journalist work for the society.
Being a Journalist is awkward job with the hard mission to tell about the word, giving a meaning to what's happen.

Friday 25 November 2011

The decline of society

Sometimes society is so cruel that it makes you ashamed to be a human being. 

The Equality and Human Right Commission has revealed a sad portrait of Council-founded homecare across the UK. The report Commission’s report, “Close to Home”, claims the “systematic failure”  in  the services of the employed carers.
According to the  inquiry, around half of the 1.254 elderly people, friends and family members are not satisfied with care at home.

Shocking stories of old people being robbed by the people employed to look after them, or being left, unwashed and with no food made.
The care services offered from the Council is supposed to offer slot of hours of personal help, but the people paid are not doing their job properly. They are charged for less care, negligent and incompetent work.

The report points out around 500.000 people receiving care at home are insulted and many suffer from physical and financial abuse.

 Some cases are really unpleasant and an outrage to human dignity.
"Most of the girls [from the agency] were nasty. They were rough. Rather than say 'Sit in the chair', they'd push me back into the chair, that sort of thing, and I didn't like that.
"I couldn't do anything about it. I can't even walk and I think they know this, you see. They know you're vulnerable" told the commission a 78-year-old woman who leave alone. 

Another woman pleaded for help  and was ignored by her carer.
"I had a lady who was on the toilet when the carer came. She shouted 'I'm stuck, I need some help'. The carer shouted up: 'Can't do that, but I've made you a butty and I'm going now.'"

Many Elderly are reluctant to complain because they are afraid to get less care and just accept the situation.

However it is not fair. It is ethically and morally unacceptable.

Everyone knows that the number of old people is increasing year by year because the better conditions in life, improvements in medicinals and health treatments.
The problem now is how to manage the Elderly people.

Some of them are placed in residencial care homes where they have fix time for family and friends visits. These places can be nice with lots of activities and social programmes, involving music, cinema and arts. Most of them are unhappy and quite depressing places where the patients feel more alone and close to die soon.

They would like to stay with their family, with someone that can give them love.

However in many cases the people can' t manage the care of elderly people in his home,  they have their family, children, work and no time to look after a grandhmother or grandfather.
The Elderly need a big help for everything.
Someone told when you becomes old you are like a child. And it's true.
The old people do need  real support in basic need like washing, eating, taking medicinals, and company to speak with and don't feel alone.
They love need to feel loved.

My grandmother  enjoyed  telling stories maybe to me and my sister. She liked singing stupid song she had made about his husband and she used to repeat the same things many times, complaining about his husband.

"I bought the farm...  your grandfather didn't realise how much important I was... I usually woke up every single morning at 4 am. to look after the pigs and the pregnant cows. He was still sleeping..."

But she was happy to do that.
You can see in her eyes.

Now she is dead and I miss her so much.

Others consider the Old as a problem and just want to address them to someone else. It happen fights between sons about who has to take the duty to look after the parents. 

But they still are the parents and they need to be protected and assisted, as they did in the past for the children.

Everyone have to think about this.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Top Tip for girls to tackle the crisis: looking for a Sugar Daddy

Picture source: Israeli Food Blog

The life is hard and everyone knows it.
At the present the  situation is getting worse amid the economic crisis widespread over all the Europe.

How can survive without problem?

If you are a girl you can use your  sex appeal  and glamour to find an alternative route to the economical stability, and maybe be happy. 

Find a Sugar Daddy.

The word is so sweet that many girls can fall into temptation. It's quite easy catching your chicken. What you do need is just to be enought charming and smart to make him falling in love with you. 

The weapons of seduction are variuos, but each man need the right shot to be killed. It's essencial to know him better to go over the fist attraction. 
Men have to be cooked well to get real interest in a women, also if she is a young.

The beauty's power vanishs after one month and to keep the relationship going something elso have been used. 
The women know how to behave to reach their aim. 

At the end of the hunting, make sure to food the passion every day and in anyway to not give him any possibility to escape. Missing your honey pet is simple  because of the increasing in competition between young women.

It will be a waste of time if you not get what do you want.

Some girls hope to go foward until the marriage. But do you have to be persistant and patient.
For others it's different: they could want just some help for their educational or professional ambitions or  pumpering  theirselves with some shopping. 

Women like to be spoiled, particularly when is the society to dictated it. 
Today the new values are a perfect body, expensive clothes, accessorizes,  luxuriuos hotels and holidays, beautiful cars. All is related to the apparence to showing off. 

If you are not born very rich, how can be possible to have this kind of life in your twenties?
It's impossible. 
However being young and nice can make up your mind to get the Sugar Daddy-answer. 

Below there are the advantages that you can have from this relationship:
  1. absolute and great shopping
  2. fantastic holiday around the world
  3. good dinners in the most expensive restaurants
  4. many other possibilities connected with what you would like
It's sounds perfect for a girl. You can have everything you want and live your a perfect life without any difficulties and concern about the future.

At the end, the Sugar Daddy is the best solution specially today with the crisis. 

Monday 21 November 2011

Gloomy Christmas

Economical crisis dictates the rules at this time.

On the Hight streets, in retail shops and shopping centres less shoppers buy things and Christmas stuff.
Just one month before the Christianity's festivity and the shops sales still struggling to survive.

According to the Guardian the retailer's sales are 3.2% lower than last year in the week to Saturday, amid the 2011 UK trend to minimize the Cristmas's shopping.

The shop windows show mid-season sale and amazing discounts by up to 40% to encourage people to buy. (BBC)

However the population tighten their belts because of the crisis. The average wage at low level, the mounting inflation and unemployment make difficult for the people to spash the cash and buy the surplus. They tend to care about the essential and think about their savings.

The situation is not easy for the average of the families. They have less disponibility and try to cut wherever is not necessary. It's not a matter if is Christmas time.

Otavia is one of mine friend who live in London, sharing a small appartment and doing a part-time job in a  studio design. Her parents help her with the rent from Brazil but the cost of the life is still high. She has to pay big attetion about her economical management.

"Everything is so expensive: the food, the transport, the daily life. I can't image to do any shopping now. I think I will wait the sales in December to buy something." she said, and added: "And for Christmass little present. I will buy something online. It's cheaper. Or maybe I can cook some little cakes, why not?"

The shopping on internet is definitively on rise. 
Britons are expected to spend more than £7.75billion online during December, according to e-tailing trade association IMRG.

Today Amazon and Comet, the two of Britain's biggest retail have launched a week of bargains, offering items up to 50 per cent discounts. (The Telegraph)

 Everyone agree that it's hard time in sales. Some shops in High Streets have to shut up because of the cost they had to pay is unsuistanable. (Metro)

If you ask on the street to the people why they are not buying, you can have a curios but real answer. "It's warm enough. I don't need to buy now." a girl said. This is true. the weather is  helping our financial and not the market.

The mild and unseasonal weather don't require the usual warmer clothes and hits drammatically the sales. (The Guardian)

Faux, coats, cashmire and sharves seems not be needed this year. They still unsold.
The climate's change has put foward the winter time or simply increases the normal temperatures.

The shops have to be patient, trusting in bad weather and economic recovery. It will be better if happen before Christmas.

Sunday 20 November 2011

The Winch believes in your future

Today the atmosphere in the Winch was exiting. The children had fun during the day, helping Jonathan and Joni to make a short film.
The aim of the short documentary is fund raising, amid the goverment's cuts. It will be shown in a local event on the 1th of December, taking place in the centre in Swiss Cottage.

The Winchester Project, now know as the Winch, is a charity established in 1973, working in the local community of Swiss Cottage and Camden Town.

It provides a variety of programmes and valuable activities for children and young people, particularly those who are disadvantaged and single- parent.

The sevices offered include afterschool club, play schemes, festivals, workshops and initiatives giving a real support to the families and the Youngers.

At the moment the Winch is facing a big challange of funding.

Because of the economic crisis the local goverment is cutting on education and social care and less companies do investments. Also the number of donations and contributions are going down.

The charity is trying to find alternative solutions to get money to fund the centre. One of these is pushing the advertising campain to get the people known and use various material to promote the Winch and its amazing work in the local community.

The staff working in the charity has the hard job to listen the children, their needs and problems, focusing on their potential in a creative way. There are many volunteers in the team who decide to believe in the Winchester Project.

"I like going to the Winch because it is like my home. It's a family. This is a place that make things happen. Makes things possibile. It wasn't for the Winch, I woudn't be where I am now. I'd be out on the street."
There words come from a young boy who has found a place helping him to feel better and to change his life.

The Winch's motto states the centre is a big family for every children, in a regime of freedom, racial and sexual equality.

The young people grow up being aware of the differences in the society but in the same time to integrate these, going over the stigma made by the society.

Those of them who are disadvantages suffer from problems in their families, maybe because of single-parent or because the parents are sick, unemployment, poor, etc..
They are called "lost generation", feral children without prosepective, judged for their mischance.
If they get angry, violent they will be marginalized from stigmatized as a people prone to crime and abusive behavior when they will be adults.

The Winch has taken the mission to cope with these assumption and harassment, bringing the children together in a happy community. Those who behave antisocial are involved in many activities.

The Winchester Project is giving a relevant contribute to the society and its work have to be recognized and supported. The charity needs the money to fund news project to improve their programmes, refurbish and renew the building.

The Winch believes in a better future for our children and with our help can make it possible. The goverment and every people have the responsibility to keep the centre alive.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Properties in London is going into Italian and Greek pockets

One of the most common solution to invest money in times of economical storm is buying houses. 
But where?

London is on the top of the list, not only for the requests but also for the prices. The UK's metropolis has pulled away New York, Paris and Hong Kong in the high prices and still been the main housing stock market. 

Nowadays the major of the richer investors are Italians and Greek. This years they are hitting the sales-ceiling. According to the Financial Time by far 2011 they spent an average of £ 406m in the housing market maket , compared to £ 245m last year, with an increase of 30% in numbers. 

The reason of this boom in spending on London bases is connected to the dramatic financial crisis in the Eurozone. Italy and Greece are the most affected countries. 
The Euro is falling down and the investors need to find a safe way to secure heir money. 

The Elite pockets is flying to London for many reasons:
  • The UK is safe in terms of rules and property's management
  • The pound is more strong valuable than the euro
  • The City is editing, younger and one of the most dynamics in Europe.
Buying in Italy or in Greece is not a good investment at all because the euro and the lack of credibility in the market. The value of houses in these countries is insecure and tends to go down and get more problems whether do you want to sell or rent. 

London is a free port, as Swizzerland years ago. The areas more requested by Greek and Italian buyers are always the same posher and richer: Kensington, Chelsea, Mayfair and Knightsbridge. They believe these are the best parts of the City. Also  Notting Hill and Holland Park are becoming quite popular.

The wealth heaven of Italian and Greek is expected to grow more (Financial Times).
The rise of sales implies that the price of the houses is still going up. 

However London is not a piggy-bank to store wealth. 
The normal people live in the City and they deal every day with inflation, high prices and unemployment. The City can't permit an overwhelming of forein investors invading the market. The result is so hight prices in the housing market despite the economical possibilities of the majority of the people. They will get crazy about the market and this is not fair. 

Afterwards there will be a divide between the richer and foreign people and the real London. 
This scenario will damage the reputation of the City and the daily life of the citizens. 
London will become a ghost town to commute in for work, to visit, to have for representation and a good storage for money savings.

Friday 18 November 2011

New Era for Italy

The new Prime Minister Mario Monti has formed the government with a mix of experts- academics and businessmen- and it’s now ready to push through the severe measures to tackle the economic crisis. The first newrule is the reintroduction of the property tax on the first home.
He decided to take no members of the current political ruling class in his cabinet. “No politicians, less embarrassment” he comment after reading out his new cabinet list.
Mario Monti’s team is due to solve the Italy’s financial debt and relive the stagnant economy by 2013. EU leaders trust in the new Italian government and believe this group of technocrats use their experience and knowledge to help the country to go out the alarming situation.
This is real time to change for Italy. Mr Monti underlined the determination to establish himself as a political innovator with the difficult challenge to fix the worst crisis since World War II.
"It will be a race." he said. (BBC)
The point is that is not just a matter of reforms and measures to take, but also it’s a challenge to turn in better the Italian system. New rules based on preparation, experience and meritocracy, against nepotism and favouritism.
The strange fact is that the population is suspicious about his administration. The evidence of that are the many protests across the country. Lots of students demonstrated in the main city, Milan, Turin, Rome and Palermo, protesting at austerity measures, that worth Euro 80bn (£ 68bn) They are afraid from the financial elite and condemned the new government as a dictatorship of bankers.(Guardian)
However Mr Monti declared he would want to make the economy more flexible, productive and change in the employment law, giving work to women and younger.
The students and all the citizens have to be with the new government, and work together with sacrifices to overcome the situation. It’s silly protest at something that you have to do anyway to solve the problem. This team is the best possibility we have to show we are not a fool, superficial and corrupt country.


Everyone know the power of the advertising and the importance to find out the best way to publicize a product. The aim of any advertinsing campain is to catch the attention immediatly with a strong image. Do you have to hit your custumer, to persuade him to buy.

The picture you choose is crucial.

The current trend in the media and marketing is to use shocking and provocative images to blow your mind, so you feel more interested in the what they are offering.
This is not a free zone, there are limits and implied rules, that have to be considered.

However the game is to break those rules and find any kind of revolutionary idea.

Sometimes the use of that image can be controversial and incorrect.

The example is the current worldwide "Unhate" advertising campaign of Benetton. The cloting Company has used a montage of world leaders kissing to get the most impact on the people. There is Chavez kissing Obama, Sarkò Kissing Angela Merkel and eventually the harmful kiss between Benedict XVI and Mohamed Ahmed al Tayeb.
The Vatican condemned the picture as an outrage  and started a legal action to withdraw the poster and prevent a further circulation.

The Press secretary Father Federico Lombardi commented: "It's unacceptable use of a manipulated image of the Holy Father, used as part of a publicity campaign with commercial ends. I's a serious lak of respect for the Pope, an affornt to the feelings of the faithful and an evident demonstration of how, in the field of advertising, the most elemental rules of respect for others can be broken in order to attract attention by provocation."(Guardian)

These words are so true it is impossibile to replay. The tendency to put everything can get audience and customers is become common and is evident in many TV programmes, adverts, movies, etc.
Bennetton immediatly apologised for the offence caused and said it have different intentions connected only to combat the culture of hatred in all its form. So no meaning underlined to hurt or insult anyone.

When money and power run, most of the times the people don't think about that there are limits: respect is one of these. Do you can make joke about everthing but not about the faith because it's kind of holy to take care.
Today is possible to make any kind of photomontage and manipulated any images, showing everything you want the people see. We are in the no-limits era. Money is the God. It is important just buying the people and carry them to belive in what are you telling or selling.

However there is a borderline. And it is inside us, in our ethics and morality. We are human, before being objects of market. We are people with rules and dignity, we have a belivies and religions, which whom we can't jobe.
We need to remember the meaning of the word RESPECT!

Thursday 17 November 2011

The end of a relationship

There are many reason to end a relationship.

Fist I want to stress I'm talking about relations that last more than one year and they are  real life toghether, communion of interest and sharing of projects. You really loved each other, experienced many situation and important events, planned holidays, maybe even a new house to buy. Both of you got mutual support in your ambitions and personal achivements. You usually live very close and never think about that your love can have ending.

However, at some point happens that all your past comes under uncentanty. You don't know perfectly why, but a lot of doubts pass throungh your mind and you start thinking. After you point out many questions about your situation and your patner.
Maybe is a delicate time of your life, with many changes, maybe it's just a person that you just met and put you in chaos, maybe there are some circimstances or event that give you wired signals. The reasons of the change felling can be everything and nothing. It's life. Nothing is sure, unless your family and you.

Stop the relation is very easy . When you express your concern, the partner  already knows because you are at the point where nothing will be over. No more to say or justifify. It's just finished. In some cases the people try to solve the problems and cope with wheatever difficulties. But not at all.

Finally, you are alone and your important and big relationship is out. This is not referred just to your ex-boyfriend/girfriend,  but to your past. Now you do not have more behind you except your mistake with a wrong lover. It's miserable to think because maybe you have spent many years with him and put a lot of energies. I can understand that at this point you fill exhausted and totally shattered.

But it's time to renovate yourself and more exiting about built a new life in the right way. No regrets, but just enthusiastic willing to do better in different ways. The future is in front of you and you do have just to start walking.

What's about your past? It' s right to close with him/her totally? I don't belive you can do it without suffering. The best solution is  keeping  in touch again with your ex and become friends. I know it can be difficult but you have to see why you break up. If there was no cheating and no new lovers in the middle can be more relaxed and you can rethink about your relation.
Do you think your pattner is actually really important for your past and your life? If it is yes will be impossible to say good bye forever. It's sound weird and juvenile.
A mature behaviour teaches us to go over, to try to understand the reasons why everything happen and be aware that something have to change but not drammatically. Your past is your experience and can give you a lot of advices for your future, but also it is your history. The consequences of the past are in the present and it will be better make the change soft.

However, some people don't believe in any more contacts after the break up. They are so proud and touchy are just want to find a new situation and just forget you. They woul prefer to throw away everything without pain. But it is unreal. Do they suffer anyway.

The fututre is written from your past and in your present. The previous relationship is your life and if something has changed now, you have to follow your instixct, but your past will be back you. In another way it have to be with you.Without it you can feel lost.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

One more reason to stop smoking

If do you want quit smoking but you find it difficult, it’s a good idea moving to UK.
The British country will encourage you with an extension in the ban.

Today the British Medical Association (BMA) has launched a further prohibition on smoking in all private vehicles to protect drivers and passengers.
“We do not believe that legislation is the most effective way to encourage people to change their behaviour” a Department of Health spokesman said.

After the ban to smoke in public places introduced in 2007, now BMA is due to take more action to save the health of the people, in particularly the Youngers. The children are more affected than adults because they don’t have the choice and they have to accept the situation where they are.
The extension of the legislation maybe will meet some concern from the Government and from the population because it can be seen as a limitation of freedom.

The debate is if the decision to enforce the ban is the right solution to solve the problem and reduce the numbers of smokers.    
Some people can argue is good, but they can be no-smokers and campaigners against smoking anyway. Others don’t mind about the proposal.  At least, there are some people who believe this new step on banning smoking is just too much and it damages the personal freedom. They think that outlawing something in a strict way, like is, don’t give the result.
The prohibition is not the right process to approach a problem and tackle it.

However BMA is going to push through the legislation and the campaign to publicise the bad consequences of smoking and the high risks connected, particularly for the second-hand smokers.

UK seems want to throw away the cigarettes from the country.
In UK the price of a pack of cigarettes is around 7 £, one of the highest in Europe.  Northway is 10 Euro, but the average in EU is between 4 and 5 Euro. Italy for example is 4.5 Euro. According to the BBC, the price has risen up to 50 p a pack during this year.     

Moreover, if do you like smoking, you have to go outside any building because the ban in public places and the alarm in the houses. You have to fight with the cold weather and the freezing wind.
Now you will not allow smoking in your car. Seems you don’t have a comfortable place to smoke.
In the most of cases people smoke because they are bored, stressed or insecure. Mainly the Youngers smoke to show they are strong and adult.

Smoking is a really bad habit for many reasons:
1.      It annoys and bothers many people
2.      It’s dangerous for your health and anyone know it
3.      It’s harmful also for the others with you for toxins and chemicals
4.      It’s a serious  addiction and do you can cope with your stress and problems in a different way
5.      It’s expensive. Today with the economic crisis the cuts on cigarettes can help your savings
6.      Now it’s banned almost everywhere and the only safe place is outside in the cold chilly coming winter.

In the end stop poisoning your body and just quit smoking.
It’s time to change!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Crisis is choice to change

To find out the real meaning of the word crisis we have to go back ironically to the Ancient Greek.
Krisis means "a separating, power of distinguishing, decision, choice, election, judgment, dispute" and it is related to  the verb krinō that means "to pick out, choose, decide, judge”. 
So it is not just a unstable and dangerous situation in politics, economic or social events where it is visible only the traumatic consequences. Crisis means also an opportunity.

This consideration make us thinking about the current situation in the Eurozone.

"Out of the euro crisis come an opportunity for the EU to rethink its purpose and rules. Change brings opportunities.An opportunity to refashion the EU so it better serves this nation's interest and the interests of its other 26 nation too." said  Prime Minister David Cameron speaking at the Lord Mayor's banquet in London yesterday. (Guardian)

The German chancellor Angela Markel underline the same issue during the annual conference with her Christian Democratic Union Party in Leizing yesterday morning.
"UE need a political union, we need a new Europe." she said and added: "It's time for a breakthrough to a new Europe through the crisis, Europe is growing closer together and Europeans are discovering that decisions taken in one country can have anourmous impact on the rest of Europe".
She warned Europe is facing perhaps its toughest time since the Second War World. (Financial Time)

Europe needs a new stable mechanism, particularly an efficinet political system and a severe fiscal union to solve the financial trauma.

The political crisis in Italy can give the possibility  to the country with Super Mario to renovate the political casta, restore confidence in the market and relive the economy. The way for the welfare can be undertaken now.

The growth always passes through hard time of crisis and difficulties. This is the moment , where more effort is required, where the people can challange theirselves, push their energies and strenghs to jump up. Grow up basically.
Behind there is the past habits ans securities, foward the future, uncertain and insecure, but exiting. You are in the present, in the middle-way. The turning-point to find out researchs and try different.
The crisis price is high and sometimes you can't see the solution.
But do be optimistic! A positive attitude will help you to cope with the problems and face everything with a different and mature view.
Crisis is  transformation.

Monday 14 November 2011

Must be confident with loneliness

The life in a Metropolis can make you feeling lonely, giving you a sense of sadness and desolation. After a intense work you go home and you are alone. In a big city is more difficult to buil solide and close relationships and even if you think to have a lots of friends most of them will be just people for going out.
Living in a small village can be different but it is only because less attractions gather the people together and push them to share most experiences.

Someone belives that  "feeling-alone" is  the effect from the human progress and the evolution. More people move around and live alone than ever, contributing to greater separation from caring friends and family. In one of his articles, Robin Loyod said that about one in five Americans is lonely, a gnawing emotional state that is a patchwork of feeling unhappy, stressed out, friendless and hostile.
According to a study of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the loneliness as human condition is contagious. It "spread across time. It travel through people. Insted of a germ, it's trasmitted throught our behaviours." said John Cacioppo, a neuroscientist and psychologist at the University of Chicago.
We can classify the loneliness like a social desease developed from the human evolution.
Despite this state, in the past lots of people feel alone anyway and they put their feeling in their art or in their literature. Jean-Paul Sartre, Arthur Shopenhauer, Albert Einstein,Vincent van Gogh and Friederich Nietzche are just some exemples.

Finally it is not just a a big city problem but it's something that is connaturate to human. It is a paradox because the human being is social and relations are the most important link with the world. At the same time loneliness is part of you. Where you are you can experience it. It's not a matter for metropolis or small town, a large family or single life.

It's just our nature and we have to cope with it.  

Italian reality

Full restaurants, expensive shops, luxury brand on the citizien clothes.

The italian image glittered with fashion and trendy happy hours is not the true.

The country seems to show abroad a fake idea of itself.

The poverty has risen drammatically and the people are in difficulties to affort the dayly life .

According to the Guardian, many charities have problem to cope with many people that go there for a free meal. The part of the population most affected are  pensioners,  divorced fathers and many families where parents lose their jobs. Also the Youngers suffer from the economical crisis and they have less opportunity for education and work. The youth unemployment is soaring and hit a record of 29.3%, reported in The Guardian Newspaper. The students face a lots of problem for a future clouded by uncertainty and insecurity.

Italy is a county that is not used to deal with the problem and solve them. The trend is to delay and maybe pray that someone can fix in behalf of you. The mainly attitude is postponing any solutions, because there is time and no hurry to decide straightaway.

The present situation required Italy to be more assertive and efficent. No more late. The allarming consequences from the economical crisis are draining the population. The new Goverment lead by Mario Monti has the hard responsability to refresh the general welfare system, giving more confidence in the politics. The reforms have to change completely the lifestyle and the italian mind, expecially in the middle class.

This is the moment to show the strengh and the will to make it different and to belive in a better future.

The Italian challange

The Italian technical Goverment is in a very crucial moment to testify itself to cope with the financial debt and restore cridibility in the Eurozone.
Italy, the Eurozone's third biggest economy, has a national debt of 1.9 trillion euro. This morning Italy sold 3bn euros of 5-year bonds at a 6.29% yield, causing a further falling down in the Euro markets.
Mario Monti is new Italian Prime Minister with the hard job to save the country from the bailout. UE leaders do belive in him because his accademic and professional background and are used to call him Super Mario. He is a economic professor at Bocconi University in Milan and a former European Commissioner.
The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano underline the interest of the country to be in broad support for the Government. " This is the point on which all the political parties should come together." he said.
According to the Guardian, Berlusconi party's The Freedom People (PdL) wants the country to go back to the pools and belive the duration of the technical government "can only be linked to [its] programme and its implementation" said Angelino Alfano, the PdL secretary.
No comment came from Mario Monti for the Berlusconi send-off on Saturday night. 
The 75 years old  tycoon resigned as a Prime Minister amid a crowded celebration with whistles and insults to him.  He left without dignity through a side exit, after 17 years career in politics.
Outside the people called him "buffon" and "mafioso".
According to the Guardian, Berlusconi was very disappointed and upset because he belive he made a "generous and responsible" gesture. The main reason is because he can be threated in this way. He has a giant ego and has built a mausoleum on his image.
Now  Berlusconi as one of the richest man with a fortune existimated around 5.5 billion of euros is over time.
Italy need a deeper change. The question is if the country, known for the tasty and good food, now ready to make the big jump up with Super Mario.

Sunday 13 November 2011

The "alternative medicine" made from CHINA

Nowadays Chinese remedies are common practices in the West. They are known as "alternative medicine" and include different practise as acupunture, herbal medicine and tuina-therapeutic massage.

In UK there are existimated around 6.000 shop, but according to the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine just a bit more 700 professionally are qualitied and registered with ATCM.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine has over 3.000 years of experience and trought East Asia now is booming all over the world, particularly in UK. 

Many shops across the country offer treatments, ranking  any king of diseases and conditions: Insomnia, Stress, Skin problems, Cystitis, Kidney Stones,   Infertility, Asthma, etc.
Also the Chinese medical cure is usefull agaist some addictions, like alcohol and smoking and it can help strengthen their immune system to fight cancerous cells.

The main concers about the Chinese Medicine are about the contents of the products they sells and about the competence of the doctors.

The examination lasts 5 minutes and is based on the measure of your pulse and how your tongue looks. Is it possible pick out your problem just in that short time and without exams?
Maybe this easy way to diagnose is perfect, but almost unbelivable for our medicine.

In the West is common doing lots of tests to identify the right medication. The Chinese Medicine need to show more credibility compare to our cure.

Relating the content of the pills, the question is wide.

According to the BBC, many shops were accused to sell illegal medicine to make money. Some pills use herb considered dangerous to be banned for their potential side-effects.

BBC reported a case of a man who had a damage heart. "My heart used to slow down and speed up. I honestly thought I was dying" said David Woods, a patient using fenfluarmine.

The Daily Mail got another case happen last year. Patricia Booth took a chinese herb for 5 years and after she has lost both kidneys and developed a cancer of the urinary tract.

Many other shocking stories are attested in the news.

The result is that the Chinese Medicine seems dodgy and not safe.

According to Journal of Chinese Medicine, in February 2011 the Uk Government announced the herbalist, including Chinese herbal medicine, will be regualted by the Health Professions Council from April 2012.
The decision to put the "alternative medicine" under statutory regulation will protect patients and legitimate practitioner.

Friday 11 November 2011

Eurozone crisis fears UK population

After the last developments of the EU, what remains is a faster turmoil spreading out the Eurozone.
Uk is one of the most affected because almost 40% of its trade is with Euro contries.
The big impact is on growth and jobs.

Chancellor George Osborne said: "There's no doubt that growth in Britain, jobs in Britain, have been hit by what's going on in the eurozone.”

The future of Eurozone is uncertain and Britain have to deal with the effect of this instability. MP David Cameron agrees that the concers  today are related to keep safe from the economical storm.

Is not just the stock market falling down, investments, prices, At present the situation hits UK job and the people will suffer more for that.
According to The Office for National Statistics (ONS), the unemployment rate also increased to 8.1%. BBC report update on 12 October showed the unemployment total for 16-24 year olds hit a record high of 991,000 in the quarter, a jobless rate of 21.3%.
This is a huge amount and the result is more malcontent in the population.

Job cuts put the families in difficuties to affort the daily life. Hight prices, inflation, hight taxes and fee made the people angry, stressed and less proactive. They can't buy houses, pay mortgage or rent and look after their children.
Also the student will be affected. They struggle to get a good degree or a MA and then the opportunities will be less and the parents can’t go ahead to pay for them.  Maybe they will go abroad to study or just they give up the education instead start an apprenship or a work. 

Many protests, violent riots become more common all over the contry. The people can accept to stay in so bad conditions because they have the right to live a normal life and the possibility to be happy.

Everyone is agree with Davis Cameron:  The main priority now is to safe the country and the citizen.

Monday 7 November 2011

Discussion on Chinese Stereotype

Every country has their stereotype spread all over the world. Maybe they are completely false and incorrect but they still alive in any culture.

Here about Chinese stereotype:

All Chinese are good at Math.  This is not a common evidence. There are some good in Math as in any country.

Chinese people work hard. This is true. The history make them be used to working many hours and with fatigue. Work is a duty for your family and your country.

Chinese are accused to copying things, instead invent. “Maybe is right now, but in the past we were success inventors” Luna said.

Every Chinese is an expert in martial arts and Kung fu. However this is part of their culture. In ancient China people martial arts were a military training and self-defence need. 

Chinese culture is defined by being traditional and conservative. The reality is that False, modern China is very  modern and developed countries. Major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai are big and advanced metropolises.

Chinese thinks that money can buy anything. Unfortunately this is true. Many of Chinese people are business-oriented and they thing the money rule the world.

Chinese are stingy. This can be true.  They are generally stingy, but very generous with their family and friends.

East Asian men are misogynistic, insensitive and disrespectful towards women. This belief comes from the past and the influence of Confucio’s religion where Chinese women were subordinate to men. At present women are free, independent and they get relevant roles in the society.

The only food in China is rice. Indeed rice is the main food in China and Chinese people are very proud of they food. They  love it and they are not opened to lot’s other kind of food.

Chinese people do not care about politics. That’s false. Chinese do care about politics., just hey don’t want to speak about politics.

At the end, it’s better do not trust to much to the stereotype. The best way to know a country and the people is experience it and its culture.

Unpaid internship breaks the law

LINK: The government's website continues to offer unpaid internships despite warning to break the law. Thousand of them are entitled to be compensated.

Over half of 29,000 places listed on the government's Graduate Talent Poll website advertise jobs payed less the minimum wages.

According to the Guardian analysis based on 624 adverts on the site in mid-October, the situation has got worse since a Freedom of Information request revealed the problem last year.

The Graduate Talent Pool is a government website set up in 2009 by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to take graduates on the career ladder.

Many agencies use the website to recruit young people offering unpaid or expenses-only internship. Most of them last several months, more than traditional work experience placements.

The case has been taken to the court for breaching the employment law with exploitation of interns.

Joseph Thomas, policy officer for Interns Anonymous, denunces the situation. "These documents show cowardice and a lack of determination to do anything. I think it is indicative of a deeper problem in society in that as long as my kids, people like us, are all right, we don't need to do anything about it".

However the Department for Business declares the Graduate Talent Pool service has been update recently to guarantee the quality of vacancies by checking they can give real opportunity to improve the social mobility. Any concerns about money are addressed to the employer.

Friday 4 November 2011

Hard life for young Journalist

Your mobile rings at 3 am, your interview is gone. Simple mex tells you some problems sort out and for that time is not possible, maybe could arrange later the next week. But you can't way the next week and you need that person so..change news.
In the second situation your mobile is calling but seems no one is available for a camera-interview. After four times the last attempt: "We prefer not be filmed. Could you interview on the phone right now?" "no, I need to shoot".. Better change news.
The third situation is similar. You are fighting on the phone to get the permission for shoot into a public building, and maybe you are getting it. But, after 20 minutes of discussion and lots of money through in the bin, the Press office asks you: "Are you a professional journalist or a student?"I think is anyway better say the tru so.."I'm MA student" And the sentence: "Sorry, we have a lot of enquiries and we can't care about the students". His is the end.
The end of a bad day when I have to change my mind three times to find a news to run.
The life o a journalist is not definitely easy. Why does no one want to speak with me or give his witness if I'm doing something that have to interested them? Why do the people are scared of the journalist? Doors shutted and no, no, no, please.
If you are a student is worst sometimes. "No, thanks.we don't have time." What's is wrong? I'm learning and I'm getting the skills in a MA, I pay my rent in this area and I have the right to be helped if I'm working for the social welfare. The answer is not. Is not easy.
If you have a camera is another problem. The people prefer not put their face and you have to persuade them very kindly, or find some "showman in charge" that would like to show off and be filmed.
Many difficulties is in front of our way, and you have to be strong because your work, the life that you decided to run is a challange. Exciting challange every day. Every news. Lot of pressure have to be manage and to get stress from the situation is the wrong way. The key is to see the stirring thing that you are any time on the roll.
At the end I get my news. Another news. I have arrange my interview for the day after in the early morning. So happy. And so exausted. I go to bed.
I've realized in the night I have a problem with the battery and no way to charge them. I start to send mex to any friends to borrowing a charger or new battery. 3 hours to my interview and no answers, I have to wait someone wakes up.
At 8.30 I get the charger and run to the place.
I have my beautiful interview.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Political crisis in Greek is bad news for Eurozone

The Greek Prime Minister is facing demands for his resignation after he called a referendum on EU aid package yesterday.  The latest development in Greece have led to  a widespread fall in share values across the world and risk the end of the agreements on saving the Euro.

The challenge to the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has already upset the world stock markets with falls of upto  3% this morning.

According to the leader of the Greek opposition Antonis Samaras said “He has posed a dilemma of blackmail that puts our future and our position in Europe in danger."

Mr Papandreous wants people involved in how the country tackles its debt crisis. But, the European stock markets have fallen, particularly bank shares.

The euro fell 1.5% against the US dollar today and 0.4% against the pound.
Last week EU Leaders approved a 100 bn-euro loan to Athens and a 50% debt write-off.

Greeks have doubts about the strict measures demanded by the  EU. Many protests took place around the country against pay cuts, tax rises and falling pensions.

A recent poll suggests that 60% of Greek citizens do not support  the EU proposal.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are reportedly worried by the lack of confidence in the Greek government. A failure in Greece could have serious consequences for Italy and Spain.

 The  Greek Parliament  is due to debate a vote of confidence on Friday.