Saturday 24 December 2011

No ambition for Youngers during the Italian crisis

Opening the Italian newspaper is a nightmare.

I left my country three months ago and I have moved to London, being happy on my decision to change my life and working hard to fulfil my desire to become a good Journalist.
I have just gone to Italy for Christmas time to see my family and spend time with them.
I have found my country struggling with a deeper depression. 
It is everywhere.
The things are going worst and the new technical government is trying to change the difficult situation, the high unemployment and relieve the stagnant economy.  

The main Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" has reported today a shocking news about Youngers and jobs. 
According to the Unioncamere-Excelsior's study, taken to the Ministry and EU Commission fews days ago, the job's offers to Youngers is still  alive but concerns are about the level of education required. 

This years Italian market employed around 208m of young people. However most of them have not a degree. 

Italian productivity has been stable for 10 years, as the salary average. 

The report said the industries seek mainly professional skills, and in many cases a basic qualification at College is ok. 
The Under 30 employed with a degree is just 14,8%, compared to 48,4% without any qualification. 

Nowadays the market doesn't need high prepared people. 
The only sector is still hire qualify workers is Finance, IT and Telecommunication. 

The unemployment rises alarming point: 27,8% for younger aged between 15-24 years old and 14,7% for aged 25-29. 

It seems really a dramatic scenario. 
Young people are not stimulate to study and get more qualification because the market doesn't need them.

Many bright students  are escaping abroad, doing a MA in England or in America. They believe the possibility exists, but not here. 
They are aware that Italy now is not the place to fight for your future and get satisfaction for your high goals and ambitions. 

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