Sunday 4 December 2011

Happy church

In his commandments the Lord remembers to keep holy the Sunday's and all the religious holiday.  

The adults who believe are used to go the church, pray together, listening  the Words and the Lessons of the God . The mass is an important duty and many people belive that throught the weekly function they show the constant and stronghold faith.

In the Sunday's all the mothers go to the nearest church with their kids, teaching them the value of the tradition.

However sometimes taking children to the chuch is not  easy because they get immediatly bored and starting to make noise. They are too young to understand the meaning and most of the time thy consider the services as an awaful constriction.  

But there is a solution.

Today I was walking in Finchley road and in front of the tube station I saw a particular church and I went inside to have a look. There was engaging songs and a team of musicians was playing piano, drums and guitar.
In the middle of the stage two young people sang. 
Around lot's of children singing with a little dancing moments.

I was so surprise!

Everyone enjoyed the function and seemed to be involved in it. The mothers felt relaxed and looked their children having fun. Men, old chic ladies, young people from different countries shared the experience to pray together in an unconventional way.

Later they met  in the nice café at the front of the buiding, taking a coffee and cakes.  
The Red Sky Café is part of the parish church and it hosts themed evenings, such as open mic night, art display, book clubs, wine tasting.

The Holy trinity of Swiss Cottage is not a conventional church.

It is also a centre with many activities for the local community.
The big space has a front stage for music and during the the functions some chairs are putting in front of the stage, taking out later.

During the week the Trinity healing rooms is a place to pray together, exploring the Bible.
On Thursday evening a group meets to blossom in their walk with Jesus.
Friday morning it’s Bloom, the mothers shift to pray .
The informal church community runs also the Alpha corse and many others social programmes to develop relationship between people, holding together the World of the God revealed in the Scriptures.

I stayed for the 11.30 service and I was ashonished by the enthusiasm and the spirit in the community.  Five screen on the walls showing the song’s words so the people can partecipate better.

The Sunday service is quite unsual compared to the traditional mass, the ministers are charismatic leaders, ordinary dressed and able to create a confidential and familiar atmophere.

One girl said me the Holy Trinity is the place to recovering the smile, sending the sadness away  and keeping the optimistic mind as being the son of the Father.
Christian is the feeling to be a Kindom of God community with the aim to helping each other, praying for the needed people, carrying out the big Lord’s instruction: LOVE.
Spreading love required happy attitude and mind, and today who wants pray different can find a place.  

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