Saturday 3 December 2011

The big mirror of British women

Today I was waiting in a shop selling clothes and two women over-weight were talking about diet. They are saying that nowadays is very difficult losing weight.

One said: "Everything is against you. Seems you have to stay fat. Look out in the street, the majority of women is fat. Few are fit and there are some who are skinny just because they are sick."

This strong comment made me thinking about that.
 I went out and I started paying more attention how the women look like and I realized that the woman was not totally wrong.

Walking in the street I saw lots of overweight people, mainly  young girls.

In Italy I have never thought about this issue because there is quite a balance between slim  and fatty women.
The weight depends on your diet, lifestyle and health. Maybe it's because of Mediterranean cousin, maybe because in Italy people live more relaxed and have more fun in the beautiful south's beaches, anyway the point is that in my country be fat is not so popular.

In England seems to be different.

A recent Eurostat study found that nearly a quarter (23.9%) of British women are obese.
 The proportion was the highest out of 19 European countries surveyed and most of that women are just girls.
The obesity problem, defined as a BMI of over 30, is more serious among the younger generation in UK : 16.6% of the 18-24 age group showing as obese, with the other countries showing less than 11%.
The figures suggested that a reduction when the educational level rises.

Which are the reason of this social problem?

Manly is because not all the people are educated in healthy nutrition, expecially in childhood. Most of them just eat what they find or someone give them. They drink and eat too much, particularly rubbish food.

However I think one of the main causes is the lifestyle.

Britons are so busy and stressed for many reason as money, work, family.
And do remember that be busy and stressed make you fat .
At work many jobs required you sitting at a desk for several hours.
At home the relax time is watching tv and surfing  internet, chatting on facebook or twitter.

The environmental and social factors has a strong influence in your lifestyle.

The problem in England is that people have missed time.  Most of them come back home at night and they don't have time to cook properly.
 They  eat  pre-packaged food, junk food and soft drinks, which are often high in calories, saturated fat, salt and sugar and they gain weight. They can't take 30-40 minutes to boil or grill chicken breast or fish and vegetables

Having a good alimentation needs self control, personal choice to take more attention about your health, eating more vegetables, seeds, nuts, fish and fresh fruit. If you eat healthy, you would have more energies during the day to work and study.

It's also important to do regular sport: running or swimming that make your body active and less lazy. Trying to walk wherever you can insted using cars and public transport.

Good foods
Our body looks like our mind and can be educated by simple rules and more attentions on bad habits.

A good diet is a  lifestyle choice.

 It's not just a matter of apparence and look, it is also how do you feel, physiologically and  physically.  It is  the key to feel more active and full of energy.

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