Saturday 24 December 2011

No ambition for Youngers during the Italian crisis

Opening the Italian newspaper is a nightmare.

I left my country three months ago and I have moved to London, being happy on my decision to change my life and working hard to fulfil my desire to become a good Journalist.
I have just gone to Italy for Christmas time to see my family and spend time with them.
I have found my country struggling with a deeper depression. 
It is everywhere.
The things are going worst and the new technical government is trying to change the difficult situation, the high unemployment and relieve the stagnant economy.  

The main Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" has reported today a shocking news about Youngers and jobs. 
According to the Unioncamere-Excelsior's study, taken to the Ministry and EU Commission fews days ago, the job's offers to Youngers is still  alive but concerns are about the level of education required. 

This years Italian market employed around 208m of young people. However most of them have not a degree. 

Italian productivity has been stable for 10 years, as the salary average. 

The report said the industries seek mainly professional skills, and in many cases a basic qualification at College is ok. 
The Under 30 employed with a degree is just 14,8%, compared to 48,4% without any qualification. 

Nowadays the market doesn't need high prepared people. 
The only sector is still hire qualify workers is Finance, IT and Telecommunication. 

The unemployment rises alarming point: 27,8% for younger aged between 15-24 years old and 14,7% for aged 25-29. 

It seems really a dramatic scenario. 
Young people are not stimulate to study and get more qualification because the market doesn't need them.

Many bright students  are escaping abroad, doing a MA in England or in America. They believe the possibility exists, but not here. 
They are aware that Italy now is not the place to fight for your future and get satisfaction for your high goals and ambitions. 

Monday 19 December 2011

The Independent shows why England should dispose of the hangover

According to the Independent on Sunday, these are the alarming figures on Britain's alcohol crisis in 2010-11: 

1.2 million people in England needed inpatient hospital treatment- it is a 9 % rise on the previous year

9,700 people were killed or injured in accidents involving drivers who were over the limit of alcohol. 

400,000 crimes linked to alcohol. 6,700 involve sexual offences. 

up to 17 million working days are lost because of sickness post alcohol, as headache and less concentration. The cost to employers of these sick days is estimated at £1.7bl.

The alcohol industry is worth £36 bn, and 15bn are paid in tax (Wine and Spirit Trade Association).

People used to drink are younger with the aim to socialize. Most of them are women, drinking on the popular Black Friday.
Britain awarns the fist position for binge drinking culture.
The consequences of excessive consumption of alcohol are cancers, liver desease and poisoning. Also drinking to much influences your behaviour and lifestyle.

It is a problem that should be addressed.

Loving yourself is the first step to succeed

When you are building your life as you are setting up anything, you have to start from the scratch. 
The fist brick is  self-esteem. 
You do have to love you. 
Accepting your weakness and being proud of your strong points. 
Never undervalue your potential or subject events or situations. 

A look in your family first. 
If you ever had problems and difficulties when you were young, you can suffer from affective disorder in the future. 
Divorced families, abuse, violence, parents with mental or physical  illness can be a risk factor for depression and low self-esteem in the childhood. 

However it's not just a matter of evidence. 
Sometimes children with a perfect and lovely families, are not happy at all and struggle later for development challenges.

I have a friend, Silvia.  
She is studying in Paris Pharmacy, and she alway lives in a stressful environment because she doesn't love herself. Her parent apparently are nice but they have never stayed back her in any decision and always judging her and making her thinking she was wrong.
She feels as a black goat wanting to come out. She lives over limits, seeking new experience. Sometimes dangerous.
She relies too much on people she knows and she is often in wrong relationship. 
Her dad never have  approved her choices and always allow her to do what she want to do with lots of effort and complains. 

Silvia grew up insecure, fragile and  unbalance. "I can't speak normally with him. Also now. I just start to cry at some point. I hate me because of this. " 

Outside she pretends to be strong, but inside she is so vulnerable and weak. 
How she behaves is a reaction of his father's opposition. 
She need a balance and a proactive way to approach her life.

Building your life is hard and implies lots of energies on basis of your love. 
Life is a choice and you can make it very special just believe you can do what you like and follow your inclinations and desire. 
It's  important to be determinate, assertive and relaxed to face any difficulties that will come. 

Lisa Firth in her book "Body Image and Self-Esteme" stresses on a positive self-image, self-respect and confidence to succeed in any field of your life. Relationship, studies, work and friends.
She also points out the importance of the media in how they influence our mind and relationship with our bodies, related a certain body shape and the rise of cosmetic surgery.

All media advertise a model of human being, particularly in appearance. Television, cinema, magazines are full of icons: perfect bodies with luxury accessories and clothes. 
They are selling a image, offering products and lifestyle that people can buy.
But it's a fake world and everyone has to remember it.  

At the end  building your life is hard and the key world is love.
Loving yourself as you are. 
Love is accepting your past and your family. 
Love is be happy with you. 

Love is not a matter of change but a continue tension to improve and be better. 

Friday 9 December 2011

Top UK sprinter on eBay

He is the third fastest 200m runner in the UK.

He came second in the national trials in July and fourth in the quarter finals of the World Championships.

He is used to working hard and strongly believe in "Achieving Excellence by Endeavour".

His name is James Ellington.

His dream is the medal-winning at the London 2012 Olympics.

He is the only British top sprinter without a sponsor.

James missed out on regular sponsorship opportunities after four years of injury problems and time out of competitions. Now he needs to find un alternative way to finance his project.

His talent and and strong hard working are demostrated by the qualification for the Games without a sponsor, lottery support, kit deal, or any kind of endorsements.
He he has achieved what he has "...after simple hard graft, dedication, and determination..."said his coach.

But he is optimistic and never gives up.

The solution is on eBay.

James put himself on the best shopping website asking a sponsorship for the minimum £30,000 of funds. This includes a £15,000 wage and £15,000 for expenses,which covers everything from travel and accommodation to nutritional support and kit.

He needs to quit his job as an athletics coach and focus on training full-time to be enable to run the fastest times before the Olympics and secure himself a place in Team GB.

Seeking a sponsorship on eBay is quite unsual and can seem quite sad.

James is so talented and won more medals and titles than any other British sprinter in Athletics between 1999 and 2006.
It's a shame that no one gives him a sponsorship and he has to put himself up for auctionon a website.

It's a wired situation that there are athletes stuggling to make end meets, running on the brink to lose their opportunity to compete, when lot's of money are daily spent and sometime waste in sport.

However eBay can be a good advertising for James.
We don't have to forget that the famous website is now also a brand.

A popular brand and people are looking for it.
The proof is that the Internet shopping site has grown very fast and for the first time this month had opened a shop in Soho, just a short walk from Oxford Street.

The "eBay boutique" had stayed open just for four days, offering 350 eBay bestsellers.
The range was a mix of high- and low-end brands, from £12 bottles of Sarah Jessica Parker's Endless perfume to more expensive gifts such as digital cameras and flatscreen TVs.

Maybe James has found the best brainwave to raising fundind and fullfil his dream.

Everyone can help him, deciding to run together at the Olympics.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Furious Winter

Winter has definitively come.

It is arrived suddenly and without notice. 

This year the Summer lasted until October with the hottest temperatures in more than a century. 
The 1st October hit the record with 30c. People were lying in the sun in the Brighton's beach, sunbathing. In London, outdoor swimming pool and parks such as Hyde Park and St. James Park were packed. Some tourists jumped in the fountain in Trafalgar square. 

Everyone enjoyed the unusual Indian Summer. 

November was warm, causing us to forget we still were in the Autumn season.

December has started angry and nasty.  
Mild and cold weather have suprised us with freezing wind and now with strong gusts. 

In Scotland  is on "red-alert", expecting gusts of up 50-60 mph. 
The Met Office warned a "damaging stormfor a winds" of at least 75mph from the Atlantic and advised people, particularly motorists, to not drive.
From midday on Thursday "travel conditions will be exstremely poor" and motorist could face "significant delays" because of the hurricane-force winds.

"This advice to avoid travel is not given lightly but is based on the clearest information yet from weather forecasters that there will be high winds with gusts of up to 90 miles per hour," said Allan Moffat, assistant chief constable of Central Scotland police. (Guardian)

England, Wales and Northern Ireland are likely to be hit by wind and rain in the nexts days.
The police's warning is also on heavy snow in the north that could put travelling at risk and heavy rain that can caused fooding. Smany schools are closed today and people advided to stay indoor.

The Hurricane-Winter comes not just dropping the temperature but with a dangerous winds that can damage houses, blow over cars and make caos in the fight lines.

Today in London the cold air and high wind are freezing everything.
The wind is so powerful that seems it is shouting, saying "the Winter is arrived".

People are closed in ther warm coats, running in the coffee shops and buildings to recovering from the weather.

The best advices are to  pay attention on the road.

It can be better staying at home.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

David Cameron is struggling to deal with the Eurozone

David Cameron said he would not sign any treaty that doesn’t safeguard Britain's financial services, particularly the position of the City of London. 
This has left him under pressure from European partners and from Conservative collegues.

The French President Nicola Sarkozy and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel are pushing for a new EU treaty to rescue the single currency. The solution to the EURO debt crisis is a change in the financial and political union.

Prime Minister David Cameron threatened to wield Britain's veto to block a revision of the Lisbon treaty if fellow European leaders refuse to protect UK national interests, such as the importance of the single market and financial services.

He said he would be there "to defend and promote British interests", but stressed that the most important thing for Britain right now was to resolve the eurozone crisis.

Tory Eurosceptics claim that the EU summit, which is designed to deal with the eurozone crisis, allows more intrusive controls of national budgetary policies by the EU".

Kenneth Clarke, the veteran pro-European justice secretary, warned Tories not to expect "any transfers of powers " to the UK from the EU.

Europeans leader are going to discuss plans at a summit in Brussels this week.

Monday 5 December 2011

The value of the local community

City doesn't mean individualistic loneliness. 
Tourists, commercial high streets and shopping centers  are always the same and make every place the same. But the ordinary people that live in a city want to feel at home and not under a Christmas's tree. 

London suffers from this kind of depersonalization.  
How do you describe London? 
Three word are enough: multicultural, busy, overwhelming. 

People come from all over the world to work, to study, to visit.

The city is the business work heart of UK. 

London is full of everything. To many people on the tube, in the hight streets, in the shops.
To many things to do everyday. People miss the time. 
A lots of clubs, restaurants, any kind of entertainment, hobby, workshop, any job. Here you can find everything you looking for. 

What's about the typical londoner? 

Is a person or just and individual? He seems to be it. But not at all.

If you go out the zone 1, the city centre, you will discover that your view changes. 

Life is built on local communities. 

People know each other very well, are use to go in the same place, meeting during the same events and meeting. 
There is the local church, the primary school, the child centre, the supermarkets, the most popular coffee shops and restaurants and the nearest  shopping centre. 
It is like an independent town with local services. Also there is the newspaper that runs the local news.

Hampstead is a good example, but I can say also Swiss Cottage, Camden, Harrow and many others. 

Amy is a mother with two children that live in Finchley Road. She says: "I never go to the city centre, if I don't have to go. It's always crowded of people and this annoys  me. I can't stand it anymore." She adds: "Here I have all I need. The school for the children, the swimming pool, Waitrose. Also O2 centre is so big that you can get everything there. I 'm use to go with my children there on Sundays for watching a movie".

Living in London is not too different that living in a small town. The only thing is that with tube you can be in the caos of the city centre in a short time. 

The vital life of the local community shows that London need identity, not made by the foreign globalization. 
The City is the people that live in and they need to feel person, with relationships, social activities and common projects. 

Each single local community is the heart of London. 

Sunday 4 December 2011

Happy church

In his commandments the Lord remembers to keep holy the Sunday's and all the religious holiday.  

The adults who believe are used to go the church, pray together, listening  the Words and the Lessons of the God . The mass is an important duty and many people belive that throught the weekly function they show the constant and stronghold faith.

In the Sunday's all the mothers go to the nearest church with their kids, teaching them the value of the tradition.

However sometimes taking children to the chuch is not  easy because they get immediatly bored and starting to make noise. They are too young to understand the meaning and most of the time thy consider the services as an awaful constriction.  

But there is a solution.

Today I was walking in Finchley road and in front of the tube station I saw a particular church and I went inside to have a look. There was engaging songs and a team of musicians was playing piano, drums and guitar.
In the middle of the stage two young people sang. 
Around lot's of children singing with a little dancing moments.

I was so surprise!

Everyone enjoyed the function and seemed to be involved in it. The mothers felt relaxed and looked their children having fun. Men, old chic ladies, young people from different countries shared the experience to pray together in an unconventional way.

Later they met  in the nice café at the front of the buiding, taking a coffee and cakes.  
The Red Sky Café is part of the parish church and it hosts themed evenings, such as open mic night, art display, book clubs, wine tasting.

The Holy trinity of Swiss Cottage is not a conventional church.

It is also a centre with many activities for the local community.
The big space has a front stage for music and during the the functions some chairs are putting in front of the stage, taking out later.

During the week the Trinity healing rooms is a place to pray together, exploring the Bible.
On Thursday evening a group meets to blossom in their walk with Jesus.
Friday morning it’s Bloom, the mothers shift to pray .
The informal church community runs also the Alpha corse and many others social programmes to develop relationship between people, holding together the World of the God revealed in the Scriptures.

I stayed for the 11.30 service and I was ashonished by the enthusiasm and the spirit in the community.  Five screen on the walls showing the song’s words so the people can partecipate better.

The Sunday service is quite unsual compared to the traditional mass, the ministers are charismatic leaders, ordinary dressed and able to create a confidential and familiar atmophere.

One girl said me the Holy Trinity is the place to recovering the smile, sending the sadness away  and keeping the optimistic mind as being the son of the Father.
Christian is the feeling to be a Kindom of God community with the aim to helping each other, praying for the needed people, carrying out the big Lord’s instruction: LOVE.
Spreading love required happy attitude and mind, and today who wants pray different can find a place.  

Saturday 3 December 2011

The big mirror of British women

Today I was waiting in a shop selling clothes and two women over-weight were talking about diet. They are saying that nowadays is very difficult losing weight.

One said: "Everything is against you. Seems you have to stay fat. Look out in the street, the majority of women is fat. Few are fit and there are some who are skinny just because they are sick."

This strong comment made me thinking about that.
 I went out and I started paying more attention how the women look like and I realized that the woman was not totally wrong.

Walking in the street I saw lots of overweight people, mainly  young girls.

In Italy I have never thought about this issue because there is quite a balance between slim  and fatty women.
The weight depends on your diet, lifestyle and health. Maybe it's because of Mediterranean cousin, maybe because in Italy people live more relaxed and have more fun in the beautiful south's beaches, anyway the point is that in my country be fat is not so popular.

In England seems to be different.

A recent Eurostat study found that nearly a quarter (23.9%) of British women are obese.
 The proportion was the highest out of 19 European countries surveyed and most of that women are just girls.
The obesity problem, defined as a BMI of over 30, is more serious among the younger generation in UK : 16.6% of the 18-24 age group showing as obese, with the other countries showing less than 11%.
The figures suggested that a reduction when the educational level rises.

Which are the reason of this social problem?

Manly is because not all the people are educated in healthy nutrition, expecially in childhood. Most of them just eat what they find or someone give them. They drink and eat too much, particularly rubbish food.

However I think one of the main causes is the lifestyle.

Britons are so busy and stressed for many reason as money, work, family.
And do remember that be busy and stressed make you fat .
At work many jobs required you sitting at a desk for several hours.
At home the relax time is watching tv and surfing  internet, chatting on facebook or twitter.

The environmental and social factors has a strong influence in your lifestyle.

The problem in England is that people have missed time.  Most of them come back home at night and they don't have time to cook properly.
 They  eat  pre-packaged food, junk food and soft drinks, which are often high in calories, saturated fat, salt and sugar and they gain weight. They can't take 30-40 minutes to boil or grill chicken breast or fish and vegetables

Having a good alimentation needs self control, personal choice to take more attention about your health, eating more vegetables, seeds, nuts, fish and fresh fruit. If you eat healthy, you would have more energies during the day to work and study.

It's also important to do regular sport: running or swimming that make your body active and less lazy. Trying to walk wherever you can insted using cars and public transport.

Good foods
Our body looks like our mind and can be educated by simple rules and more attentions on bad habits.

A good diet is a  lifestyle choice.

 It's not just a matter of apparence and look, it is also how do you feel, physiologically and  physically.  It is  the key to feel more active and full of energy.

Loving cappuccino everywhere.

Raccolta di video Latte art. Blog Daniele Votta
I come from Italy where cappuccino is a sweet "good morning" must.
Every morning  lot's of people up and down the country line up to the bars, how we call coffee shop, having a cappuccino with croissant.
I love it.

When I moved to London, I realize how cappuccino has become famous also abroad. Every restaurant, cafè makes it and in the coffee shops you can find a big range of variety of it. Starbucks, Caffè Nero and Costa offer frappuccino, iced-cappuccino, can get crazy!
However the cappuccino made in UK is totally different from the original Italian one.

First here it's a super-size cappuccino.
In Italy is smaller, with a traditional squirt of steamed milk over a shot of expresso, usually served in a ceramic cup.

Cappuccino is a popular drink of gastronomic Italian culture, as pasta and pizza are as food.
The great success abroad not always guarantee the same product.

How describe the international cappuccino?

It can be compared to the Italian variant caffelatte, that has extra added milk, or to the big American coffee mixed with milk.

The difference is not only the size.

Here it's common to put chocolate on the top. I hate this! It spoils the taste of your drink.   Every time I have to remember to lift it, instead my cappuccino comes out alway with the chocolate dusting.

Another point is that here it contains more caffeine. The reason is that the classic one has only on 25ml shot coffee. When I take a cappuccino here they usually put 2 or 3 shots of expresso and it becomes so strong that I could not drink it.

A recent analysis  from Glasgow University has tested caffeine levels in espressos bought from 20 High Street coffee shops and  has found that one was six times stronger than others.

Alan Crozier, senior research fellow who lead the analysis, said: "The analysis that we did showed the amount of caffeine ranged from 50mg per cup from Starbucks, up to over 300mg per cup from another coffee house, Patisserie Francoise. I was very surprised by this."

You have to pay attention how many cappuccino you are taking because too much caffeine in your body is not healthy.

Finally cappuccino in UK is much more expensive. In Italy drink standing up costs between 1-1,40 euro. Here you pay usually more than £2.

However I like drinking  my big cappuccino.
I just ask for one shot and no chocolate.