Monday 24 October 2011

Italian humiliation in Brussels

Financial time point out the Italian humiliation at the eurozone leaders' summit in Brussels. Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel were looking each other smirking and mocking about Italy €1,900bn debt burden. They laughed about how Italian government is dealing it's big crisis. Silvio Berlusconi received their so-called arrogance. But it is not issue to make fun, not time to make joke, about sexual game in ambiguous party. Italy is in a difficult and critical situation related to a depressive and stagnant economy with a huge debt. The Italian Prime Minister and his centre-right coalition seem to don't Kwon how sort out. They have procastinated the problem to long for internal debates and disagreements. Also Mr Berlusconi had to face controversial accuses of corruption and sexual abuse. Nowadays image of Italy is very bad in the UE. The thing is how trust this country, how do help it to manage the mess in the economy if the politic is also a mess?
Italian economy reflects deeper and substantial problems, involving politic and society.
The government knows that the country needs strong reform. A reform that can start to change Italian mind and attitude to face the problem. Italy has to renovate the political class, encourage competition and the young contribution. Lots of changes have to be done.
Mr Berlusconi has been asked to prepare a legislation on structural reforms before the next meeting of eurozone leaders on Wednesday. Everyone hopes he will come with good points.

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