Wednesday 12 October 2011

The best of running

You do keep a good pair of shoes and start running.
Everywhere you are, when you prefer, just do it.
No limits.
Running is a great sport: healthy, performing and weight loss. It is good for you breath, for your heart and for your fitness. Don't think it is easy: it needs training, you can't run from scratch for 1 hour. Do start with 20 minutes and increse by 5 minutes every week and finally you can run for 1 hour.
The curious thing about running is its educative-mind training. It' not just a simple work-out, but while you are running, you make yourself more conscious. Gain concentration and start to think clearly.
I have started running since 8 months ago. Since then, I was used to hate run, I thought was too heavy and tough for me, maybe jogging or fast walking was ok, but not running. Bad for my breaths and bad for my legs to become more big. I was wrong. I started because I needed a strong work out to tackle my depression and anxiety and the easiest and more simple things coming in my head was trying to run. I did. From 20 minute, I've increase every weeks few minutes and now I usually run 1 hour. It works perfectly for me. I feel more relax after it and not to much tired. And the beautiful things is I can run in any place I am. I usually do it in my gym, in the early morning, listening the news on TV. But when I come back to Italy to my family's house, I can run in the countryside and it is really the best place. Sometimes, if the weather is particularly good, I run in the park. In Hyde Park is very nice. I feel free, light and strong. My concentration level goes up and I am able to plan my day, my life and my stuff more quite. This is the best point on this kind of training: relax yourself while you are working out and educate your mind, planning and meeting your deadlines.
Just few important things to remind: do buy the right shoes, Nike runner-snakers are the best and a good top support. And do have a balance diet with carbs and proteins, as well as different fruits and vegetables. Don't forget you need: they are your diesel.

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