Monday 31 October 2011

Beijing is not the right place to be a journalist, but if you want to work in China you can find the middle way.

" To be a Journalist in China is not easy. A lot of criticizes and worries about your audiences. I didn’t feel comfortable to be a Journalist in Beijing, so I decided to come to England”.
Luna is 24 Chinese student in London. She looks confident and determinate. Luna seems very critical about her country, particularly about their City.
She was studying there at Beijing Foreign Studies University and started thinking to go abroad with her family support. This is what she has done.
Luna had come to the small village of Leicester at Leicester University for exchange programme for 6 months. And she fell more positive about her studies.
After she came back to Beijing to finish her degree and there she realised more about her country. Luna says that China seems a very trainer-economic country, but inside not everything is good. There is the feeling of corrupted system, where richer spoils poor and dictate the rules and your future, your work. Is not possible to say what do you want to say, without thinking about your reader. Luna has found the way to build her future in England. Thanks to UK to give her the felling of freedom, to express.
She decided to come back to England and start a MA International Journalism at Westminster University. She wants to be a Political Journalist and work hard for that but she wants to feel free. At the present she is attending the MA and living in Harrow. She loves London because is a big city, best for the Media studies because a lot of things happen there.
However Luna says her roofs are still in China and she will come back after the MA. Go to Hong Kong maybe, the former colony of Britain where you can feel more freedom. It still be China but it’s like another country. This can be the middle way West in the East.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Complains in the bank basket of unuseful perks

Do you have a basic account or a full-top account?
The point is to think about your needs and make the best choice.
The Financial Service Authority (FSA) alerts million of bank costumers who pay up to £ 300 a year for packaged accounts to review the benefits. The City watchdog is telling us to suspect of attractive and full-option benefits, because maybe they are not worthwhile.
According to "The Sunday Times" High Banks push and try to sell fee-charging current accounts to customers, just to make money. The average cost is raised by 32% in the past four years: from £ 11.80 a month in 2007 to £ 15.44 today,according to Defaqto. It is a lot in economic-crisis time. Why do the Banks use this aggressive selling?
The guilty is not the bank but us.
Royal Bank of Scotland, according a recent survey by Moneysupermarket, with a £12.95 fee a month offer you a multi-trip insurance, commission-free travel money, mobile phone insurance, identity theft protection and home emergency cover. Wow...a lot of perks just with £ 155.4 a year. Can be a great deal if do you use all of the benefits lots of times.
The question that come in my mind is if you really need them or is just a unconscious form to feel more covered. It seems when you are in a supermarket, in a big supermarket, like Salisbury or better Waitrose. You see many beautiful and tasty foods and you would like to buy everything. In the most of cases you buy more than you need, just because maybe you can need it. You feel better to get more and unused things, and it is a very human and unutterable sensation.
At the end your Basket is full of things, most of then unused. And you had payed for them.
So just pay attention on your need and manage them better. If we want a save our economy the best way is start with individual actions to save money and use them when you really need or invest them in something productive.
Every time remember if it is worthwhile.

Monday 24 October 2011

Italian humiliation in Brussels

Financial time point out the Italian humiliation at the eurozone leaders' summit in Brussels. Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel were looking each other smirking and mocking about Italy €1,900bn debt burden. They laughed about how Italian government is dealing it's big crisis. Silvio Berlusconi received their so-called arrogance. But it is not issue to make fun, not time to make joke, about sexual game in ambiguous party. Italy is in a difficult and critical situation related to a depressive and stagnant economy with a huge debt. The Italian Prime Minister and his centre-right coalition seem to don't Kwon how sort out. They have procastinated the problem to long for internal debates and disagreements. Also Mr Berlusconi had to face controversial accuses of corruption and sexual abuse. Nowadays image of Italy is very bad in the UE. The thing is how trust this country, how do help it to manage the mess in the economy if the politic is also a mess?
Italian economy reflects deeper and substantial problems, involving politic and society.
The government knows that the country needs strong reform. A reform that can start to change Italian mind and attitude to face the problem. Italy has to renovate the political class, encourage competition and the young contribution. Lots of changes have to be done.
Mr Berlusconi has been asked to prepare a legislation on structural reforms before the next meeting of eurozone leaders on Wednesday. Everyone hopes he will come with good points.

Thanks Football for Free-Racism Kick it Off Campaign

Football is a worldwide sport, embraced lots of different culture with just a point: enjoy, win and raise up the hopes of  any team-cheers. 

However the reality faces controversial issues about discrimination and equalities,  that are naturally pointed out by the multicultural and international nature of any sports.

Kick it out is a football’s Campaign, established in 1993, working against any type of harassment, related to race, gender, age, disability, religion and sexual orientation.
The press conference today in Westminster University with Kevin Coleman, the grassroots Development Officer, focus on 2011 One Game , One Community, promoting  every years two weeks full of activities amid anti-racism campaign. “We are promoting equality for any communities grass roots football issues by supporting and monitoring. We don’t have the power to investigate.” said Kevin Coleman.  The event includes many activities for young people. The aim is to educate them to carry out resources against stereotyping and prejudice, promoting different culture. Because this is what sport and in particularly Football is. “Our plan is to work close with teachers. Teaching is the best way to involve pupils and schools and make more awareness in the classroom about the problem. We promote activities and launch competitions  as well.”  In the Kick it Out website there is a description of plan activities around anti-discrimination education, like The Secondary school Competition run every years as  an important part of the two weeks campaign.
Kevin Coleman underlines: “Football is about social inclusion. We are interested in participation, not in performance.” 
Sport is like a multicultural bridge to make lots of different people going together, being aware to challenge any king of racism.  Football plays a significant role to spread around the word the message because is very famous and popular sport.  Getting young people involved in it and find innovative ways of teaching  this consciousness of equality is the base step. 

Saturday 22 October 2011

Funny or sad jokes?

No more greetings cards on Christmas, marriage or birthday. The last trend in America is about fired greetings. Be out of work is now kidding matter.
Good if you are fired: the job doesn't need you anymore.
According to "The Times", loosing your job not define you but what you do about it does. Sounds quite bad but it maybe just wants to encourage you to do not feel sad and think about you, your skills and what you want. Do take the job suits you and is right for you.
Making jokes about jobless with high rate of unemployment, inflation and economical crisis is a controversial humor.
It is a delicate issue. If you don't have a job anymore and you receive a greetings card how will you feel???

Who is running Costa del Solski?

Russian power flows down in the beaches and in the sunny Spain. "the Time" talks about the new Costa del Solski.
Lots of wealthy and rich Russian have decided to buy houses and set their business and luxurious lifestyle in the cheaper southland of Costa Brava. There they can have great entertainment, logged and glamourous clothes and go shopping with low prices. At last but not least tasty and healthy food.
Are Russian colonizing West Europe or just moving from their cold country?
Roman Abramovich's yacht is quite famous and recognizable everywhere. It has become popular in Barcelona.
Italy is full of beautiful young Russian. Models, students, actress or just simple rich girls. Particularly in Milan you can see the big Russian wealthy population, happy to enjoy and work. They like drinking, having fun, going clubbing but also work. They work hard and they know what they want.
At this point, just a call to any Italian: do learn from Russian and don't look them like rich tourists or foreign on a long shopping trip.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Tweet RIM offers free apps to make up for BlackBerry outage: Research In Motion (RIM) is turning to its BlackBerry App...

Stefania Barbaglio

Research In Morion (RIM) has moved quickly to  compensate Blackberry users for 3 days global blackout. According to the Guardian, those affected will be able to download the premium apps from the BlackBerry App World as "an expression of appreciation for their patience" until 31 December, RIM said.  
We need to explain clearly the offer, point out the free Apps and give more details.
We have to underline also that some Mobile companys are working to make good offer for Blackberry customers.

Blackberry costumers around the world experienced last week disruptions in the Internet and an email services and they express their frustation to Twitter and other social network.

According to the company, BlackBerry owners will soon be able to download over $100 in free "premium" applications over a period of four weeks. The free App will be available from Wednesday, October 19th. 
The premium selection app, valued at $100, includes:
• SIMS 3 - Electronic Arts
• iSpeech Translator Pro -
• Vlingo Plus: Virtual Assistant – Vlingo

The offer includes also a free month of technical support.  Additional details about the program and information about how to register will be available at
We find out the top free Apps.
We quote Blackberry press release about the free App and the technical support.

According to Channel Four News Mobile operators are also mulling compensation packages for customers. In the Gulf, two operators - du and Etisalat - have both announced they will be offering three days free service.
We need quote 20 sec from  Etisalat and Du about the offer that they will want to do.



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Wednesday 12 October 2011

The best of running

You do keep a good pair of shoes and start running.
Everywhere you are, when you prefer, just do it.
No limits.
Running is a great sport: healthy, performing and weight loss. It is good for you breath, for your heart and for your fitness. Don't think it is easy: it needs training, you can't run from scratch for 1 hour. Do start with 20 minutes and increse by 5 minutes every week and finally you can run for 1 hour.
The curious thing about running is its educative-mind training. It' not just a simple work-out, but while you are running, you make yourself more conscious. Gain concentration and start to think clearly.
I have started running since 8 months ago. Since then, I was used to hate run, I thought was too heavy and tough for me, maybe jogging or fast walking was ok, but not running. Bad for my breaths and bad for my legs to become more big. I was wrong. I started because I needed a strong work out to tackle my depression and anxiety and the easiest and more simple things coming in my head was trying to run. I did. From 20 minute, I've increase every weeks few minutes and now I usually run 1 hour. It works perfectly for me. I feel more relax after it and not to much tired. And the beautiful things is I can run in any place I am. I usually do it in my gym, in the early morning, listening the news on TV. But when I come back to Italy to my family's house, I can run in the countryside and it is really the best place. Sometimes, if the weather is particularly good, I run in the park. In Hyde Park is very nice. I feel free, light and strong. My concentration level goes up and I am able to plan my day, my life and my stuff more quite. This is the best point on this kind of training: relax yourself while you are working out and educate your mind, planning and meeting your deadlines.
Just few important things to remind: do buy the right shoes, Nike runner-snakers are the best and a good top support. And do have a balance diet with carbs and proteins, as well as different fruits and vegetables. Don't forget you need: they are your diesel.

Monday 10 October 2011

Ethical dilemma

A friend from Italy calls me today.
She is not italian but she's lived there since November 2009. Her voice sounds really worried and exiting. She ask to advice her situation. She's been finding a good job for already more than 1 year, but actually she faces to difficult search.  She is qualified and experienced in acting and she speaks two languages perfectly.

The economical crisis downgraduates everything, also the unemployment has become worst, mainly in arts and performance. Unfair opportunities raise up.  If you want your job and success in it, it seems you need more than a very good degree or qualification. Good looking and big motivation can help you. But it's not enought. So what else?Just right place, right person.
You have to be in the right place, know the right person and try to get your opportunity. It's will be not easy but if you are lucky you have the choise.
You are like my friend.
The right influent person can give her the right possibility. Get the job, now, without overnights spent to applaying to several potential jobs. Simple dinner and an interview can be fixed.
My friend's dilemma is: Do I have to go out for dinner with this unknown man (I can't catch the age), and arrange my next job and change my sad situation? The second point is that this Man is quite doggy, he would cheat her, for sure. His tone is flattering and unreliable. She maybe knows the dinner purpose, and she doesn't know the answer. She doesn't care about him: but maybe he can give the right key and why not. It is not about the man attraction, its not fisical or feeling matter. It's a ethical dilemma. Can turn in a job. 
Her other friends has told her: "Do it. And see what's happen. Go, why are you asking it? You are lucky."
What will be the best decision?
Is it an ethical dilemma or just italianish attitude?

House in the heaven!

Walking in Maresfield Gardens is a beautiful stroll inside your dreams. Maybe you see your desired house, your perfect house, around the green. Quite, calm and unique. I have supposed Chelsea was the most nice place to live in London since today.  Now it is quite posh. Notting Hill  is old fashion and Holland Park can be cheesy...if you want to feel outside the hectic and busy "London by tourists", go for a wander in Hampstead. It seems countryside, a bit old maybe but the green and the trees long the street make the place amazing. It's a kind of eco-vintage living. Near the most beautiful park,  like a wild inside the City. The commercial street is full of cool shops and nice cafes where you can have a fantastic Sunday brunch. Lovely living. But this is just a open dream to your imagination. You can go inside, walk around, experience the place but make this your reality will be quiet hard. Hampstead is not a place for everybody. 

Saturday 8 October 2011

Exiting queue in the Glamour Factory!

October 7th 2011. Lot's of people standing to make up. Unfortunately there isn't enough time for everybody. But doesn't mind  just try if is possible to become the new Greta Garbo.
It's 6 p.m at the National Portrait Gallery and a long line started from the entrance. Girls, women, men: the age doesn't make difference. They wait, talking and enjoying the live-music. Fancy a glass of champagne.
Amazing atmosphere in the Contemporary Vintage Event.
Just for this night the Late Shif turns the National Portrait Gallery into a Glamour Factory, where everyone is invited to enjoy the pictures, the exhibitions  and also take part in many events. It's possible to attend a free drawing class, sit in a debate about the "Dressing power" or, if you like, strike a pose. "The most quoted Hollywood icon are Audrey Hepburn, Carry Grant and Greta Garbo. This is a wicked possibility to become a star for a shot and feel like a gods. We wait a lot's of people" said Anna Berlyn, make up artist. No dubs.  Many people from all the city come here to do a photo-shotting. The only thing is the long queue to make up. Unbelievable see so many youngs and also olders having fan there. Amazing DJ Music, free champagne and great art.
 If you want to get the people more interested in art, you have to keep their soul, their mind and transform their desires in reality. Just for a while.