Saturday 9 June 2012

Turmoil in Greek Politics: threat for the future

History is always the same, and what seems incredible is that humans are not good learners from the previous experiences.

What happens in Greece on Thursday morning is a clear example of historical dejavù. It warns us for the future in order to prevent other catastrophes.

The assault by Ilias Kasidiaris on two prominent female leftwing MPs during a live debate in the popular "Good Morning Greece Tv show" has nothing new. 
The leading members of the far-right Golden Dawn party lashed out Rena Dorou and Liana Kanelli after their strong provocation, saying if his party was elected, it " would take the country back 500 years". He punched the MP Dorou from the Communist KKE and threw water at the other from the Radical SYRIZA.  

The explosive news travelled across the country and make a lots of rumours within the political parties. 
The crucial point is simple:  is the Golden Dawn a group of intolerant extremists, who use violence in order to stress their point, or they are exhausted by the political and economical crisis and they just freak out?
The government and other political parties have condemned the attack, and furious protests against the fascist politician took the streets in Athens and spread across the country.

However, the opposite reaction to the "symbolic punch" came suddenly from supporters.
According to the Independent, a Facebook page appears dedicated to the Golden Dawn member, gathering incredibly 6,000 "likes" within 24 hours.
On the page this state: "Blessed be the hand of Ilias Kasidiaris," the creators wrote. "Today Ilias did what the entire Greek people wanted: give a strong slap to the system and its representatives!".

Everyone know about the deep recession in Greece: the country has a financial support from international bailout, but the austerity measures required by the lenders to stay in the euro have left Greek people on their knees.

Although there are deep divisions within the population, Greece prepares for a fresh election next week. According to the Independent, the left wing SRYZA is one of the favourites as it has promise to solve the painful situation, stopping the unsustainable measures demanded by the EU.
The key to win is giving hopes to the Greeks: a drastic change.
Extreme parties are capitalising on the public anger over the budget cut and austerity measures.

The Golden Dawn party, lead by Nikos Michaloliakos increases popularity, recurring to nationalist sentiment and pledge of a better future. One of their aim is to"clean up" the country from the immigrants, strongly connected with a rise in crime and violence.
The party is a mix of soldiers, shepherds and the parts of the society who are the most affected by the crisis: many low income professionals and workers, students and pensioners.
According to the BBC, in a pool a month ago, Golden Dawn surprised many by winning 21 seat in Greece's 300-seat parliament. The 7% of the vote has been estimated as a clear protest against the mainstream parties enforcing unpopular measures in return for the IMF funds (Guardian).

This is the real political risk.

The history teaches us that in difficult times extremist parties are able to interpret better the popular malcontent and could easily take up the country. Who has forgot how did Mussolini and Hitler come to the power?
Promises of drastic changes and reforms combined with extreme methods are a good argument to convince the unprotected and vulnerable parts of the society.
Although Golden Dawn denied any links with Neo-Nazism, the party continued to use a symbol bearing a strange resemblance to swastika.

In an interview with the Guardian, Alexis Tsipras, the leader of SRYZA, stressed on the collapse of social cohesion in Greece and the"danger of a humanitarian crisis": ".. the social state has crumbled; one in two youngsters is out of work; there are people leaving en masse; the climate psychologically is one of pessimism, depression, mass suicides. We cannot accept that this is the future of a European country. And precisely because we recognise the problem is European, and it will spread to the rest of Europe, we are sounding the alarm bell and are appealing to the people of the Europe to support us in an effort to stop this descent into what can only be called social hell."

The EU programme has been proved catastrophic for Greece, and the country urged to rebuild confidence and grow. If the answer is leaf the Eurozone, this should be done.
Politics is not always able to listen the population and deal with changes.
Ruling a country mean interpreting population needs looking toward progress and wealth.
Unfortunately, the history confirms that in time of crisis the consensus collapse and the best interpreters seem often to be extreme parties.  Which ones?  We should wait to discover it.

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