Friday 20 January 2012

Rules of Physic can explain social issues

Newton's Third Law of Motion says: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The London Mayor spoke yesterday about the "Pret a Manger phenomenon", referring to young unemployment in London. 

What do they have in common?

Both of them are saying the same thing, focussing  the reaction to something. The physic principle is adapted on young Londoners by Boris Johnson. He declared most of them are out work because of their lazy aptitude. They lack the "energy and appetite" for jobs, compared to foreign seekers. 

According to the Sun, UK unemployment this week hit a 17-year high of 2.68 million.

Tory Boris address what he called "the key problem for our economy" not to the city because "London is a fantastic creator of jobs, saying that there are around 30,000 job vacancies.
The reason that  many of "these jobs are going to people who don't originate in this country" is because British reaction to foreigners," hard-working, good people" He continued: "we need to learn from them and understand what it is that they have got that makes them able to get those jobs that young Londoners don't have."

The matter is the consequences of the huge immigration of young people from all over the world to Britain, mainly for education and job. They come here with strong motivation to change their life and deeper drive to success. They challenge themselves in the language and strongly compete to get what they want. They have to work hard to improve and go over the UK discrimination to them. It is not only will and  ambitions but mainly sacrifices, giving up fun and relaxation. 
It's really harsh, sometimes wearing. 

However young foreigners are investing lots of money and time in their project and it's unlikely they withdraw their proposals and doing less. Their aptitude is to push themselves to the end of the race and win. They definitely want a job and they will get it.     

Their deeper determination and tough action is balanced with an opposite reaction from Britons. Most of them develop less aspirations and desire to get a distinction. 
They are still in the "limbo " of mediocrity. Happy or unhappy is not a matter.
As the Major of London said young Britons lack courage, energy and appetite. The main problem for UK is to face that issues, which is the basic condition for a wealthy economy. 


  1. Those are harsh words for young Britons. How would you say they compare with young Italians in Italy? (I noticed you were Italian from your earlier posts).

  2. I think Italian situation is worst. Most of Italian young people have wrong ambitions, mainly related with appearance, beauty and power. They aspire to take part in reality shows, such as Big Brother or others TV shows. The word competition exists in that field and that's a shame. I would like more challenges in a meritocratic environment. However in Italy it seems rules are nepotism, favouritism and sometimes I have to say evident corruption. Here at least you have the possibility to experience what it means work hard for reach something, which is not just being a starlet or a TV personalities.
