Thursday 6 June 2013

Beowulf Mining: From Exploration to Exploitation.

It is a difficult time for the mining sector losing over 20% since the start of the year and commodity prices falling worldwide against a stronger US dollar and rising profitable equities. Iron ore prices, in particular, tumbled this week amid fear spreading through the Chinese steel industry.
Companies find it hard to attract nervous and sceptical investors, glossing over the risk with confidence in their projects and expectations for positive change in the commodities market.
One of the answers can be to stick with companies that can promise stability and certainty.
Here is the Story of Beowulf Mining. The company operating in Sweden can be proud of a fully funded 2013 work programme at its iron ore projects at Kallak North and Kallak South, moving away from exploration towards development and potential future production.

Presenting at Proactive Evening Event at Chesterfield Hotel in London, Clive Sinclair-Poulton, CEO of Beowulf Mining, stressed the advantage of operating in a country like Sweden: politically stable and keen to invest in mining.

Sweden: Best environment and destination for the European market
Sweden is a promising land, a mineral-rich country with a long tradition of mining and the infrastructure to support it.
Accordingly to the annual survey by the Fraser Institute, Canada's leading public policy think-tank, Sweden emerged as one of the top worldwide mining destinations of 2013, with Quebec falling dramatically to N11th from N1 in just three years. The document, which compiles the answers of international mining executives, notes that mining companies are pessimistic about short-term commodity prices, expecting nearly level or reduced prices for silver, copper, diamonds, coal, zinc, nickel, potash, and platinum this year. However, it also shows that investment opportunities in the industry and environmental protection can, in fact, go hand in hand, said Kenneth Green, Fraser Institute senior director of energy and natural resources and director of the survey.
 “In order to compete for investment on the global mining stage, jurisdictions need not only stellar resource potential but also a stable, certain, straightforward mining policy framework,” Green said.
“Reduce red tape, minimize risk with regard to policy changes and tax increases, respect negotiated contracts: that’s how you woo the global mining sector,” he added.
This is where Beowulf Mining finds its advantage. As we said, in the long term investors are looking for stability and moderate prices with favourable mining and government polices. Beowulf Mining has a winning power: total support from local authorities in a country politically risk-free and stable country. The big African competitors can be proud of large projects but the political risk is higher.

Business Sweden- The Swedish Trade & Investment Council states how a transparent mining legislation and a supportive government in Sweden encourage mineral development and exploration in a sustainable manner, giving the country a leading role in metallurgical R&D as well as in the development of advanced and ecological underground mining.

Through the years, Sweden has built an extensive geological database and has the world’s largest drill core sampling available for research.

Clive Sinclair-Poulton, CEO of Beowulf Mining, showed his confidence in future opportunities, as Sweden is the largest producer of iron ore in Europe, the second largest producer of silver, gold, lead and zinc and the third largest producer of copper.
Sweden’s strength is the opportunity to satisfy Iron ore demand from Europe, which is currently importing 130 mill ton of Iron from outside Europe.

Kallak projects: a profitable and safe investment
Clive Sinclair-Poulton, Beowulf Mining CEO, is very pleased with good results coming from new sampling and drilling exploration at it Kallak projects looking ahead into production.  

In an interview with Proactive Investors, Sinclair-Poulton stated: “Every dollar we have put in the ground so far at Kallak has been a very worthwhile investment because we’re getting very good returns. The tonnage keeps on increasing. Next step is test mining coming on soon, which will go ahead and show the commerciality of the project,”
The Beowulf boss is confident the company will get an exploitation concession – the Swedish equivalent of a mining licence – and says the company is moving “away from aspiration to exploitation”.

The geologic environment is really good. Mineralisation comprises a significant proportion of the Kallak North and Kallak South deposits designated as an Area of National Interest by the Swedish authorities. Iron is extracted from magnetite but going below there is hematite, which is even higher in grade and requires fewer processing stages.

"We’ve got 400 tonnes being taken out of the ground to be analysed, so we’re moving away from the laboratory, or, as I say, we’re moving away from aspiration, where everything’s being done in the laboratory to a situation where we’re basically going to be going into production.” Sinclair-Poulton said.

Strategic location and logistic

Mining is not just a matter of location: logistics also play an important role. Access to infrastructures can save lots of money and CAPEX spending.
Beowulf Mining doesn’t have these problems.
Kallak projects are an open pit and they are just 40 km from Narvik, Norway.That is only 4 days’ travel to Amsterdam, from whichCanada is 14 days and Shangai 48 days.
Kallak relies also on a cheap Hydroelectric energy as it is close to the second largest power station in the country.


Beowulf Mining is moving away from exploration to exploitation and a potential future production concentrated on certainty.

Important milestones have been completed during 2013 and other developments are in place and on schedule.
The company is well funded with £2,5M of cash, and good prospects for investors. 

So, the logic of Sinclair-Poulton's case seems to be that it is good discipline to operate in an environment where you can't rely on a perpetually rising commodity price to bail you out.

Here the last world from Clive Sinclair-Poulton :"Over the remainder of 2013 I look forward to announcing positive news from our exploration work programmes, including the test mining sampling programme expected to commence this summer at Kallak North, the ongoing exploratory drilling at both Kallak North and Kallak South and, towards the end of the year, planned drilling at Ballek."

However statistics warn via Bloomberg Swedish Industry sees falling investment as exports struggle  “The most investment intensive industry, the mining industry, will decrease its volumes by 10 percent.”
Industry in the $500 billion economy plans to reduce spending to 53.7 billion kronor ($8.12 billion) from 56.9 billion kronor last year, according to a survey of about 8,000 companies published last week. The Stockholm-based statistics office uses the survey to estimate investment volume as the actual numbers differ from company forecasts in a “somewhat systematic way,” it said in a statement.

Saami communities

After the presentation one question raised was about the relationship with the Saami communities, who delayed Beowulf Mining’ drilling campaign last year due to ongoing issues with the company.
The communities declared their opposition to Beowulf’s mining plans because Beowulf Mining has allegedly conducted exploration drilling in their area without a relevant permit. ”Any mining developments on our lands entail major negative impacts on the reindeer husbandry in the area, which is our traditional livelihood,” says Bengt-Åke Kuljok, Chairman of Sirges Saami community. ”There is absolutely no confidence in this company from the perspective of the Saami communities” concludes Jon – Mikko Länta, Chairman of Jåhkågaska tjiellde Saami community. SSR and the Sami communities have now turned to the Sami Council for support.

Beowulf has to tread carefully has it can easily lose its credibility towards investors if it doesn’t respect the Saami rights.

Monday 24 September 2012

Baby-sitting&Wild sex

If you are single and you are looking for a man, you should be a bit old-fashion and traditional. Clubs are not the best place to find your "Mr Big".  You should go out with your dog for a walk in Hampstead Heath, or take a longer shopping in your local Waitrose around 8 pm or even better go to the church on Sunday morning. There you maybe can find the right person and start to date him.

However, this is just an odd saying. Nowadays it seems all men are perverted.

My today story is quite strange. I was babysitting two nice kids in my local area. I started at 8 am this morning and the day plan was quite simple: breakfast, then dress them up, bring the 4 years old to nursery in St. John Woods at 10am and pick him up at 3pm; in the meanwhile going to Swiss Cottage with the 1 year old baby where there is a nice playing centre. 

After fighting with them to put the clothes on, we took a taxi to the nursery because we were running late. 
From there, I decided to walk with the baby in the buggy to Swiss Cottage. It was a bad idea. It started raining very heavy and I had no umbrella. I recovered in a Costa but I was already completely wet. Fortunately the baby was fine covered with a plastic sheet.

I had a tea and the baby ate a snack. I waited more than one hour until it stopped raining and we went to Swiss Cottage. I was completely horrible because of the weather and my hair and all my clothes were wet. 
There is a cafè close to the playing centre, and I remembered they make nice salads there. I was so hungry that I decided to take some time to eat. 

The baby was quite. I gave him his bottle of milk and I ordered a tuna salad. The place was crowed, maybe because of the weather. A nice man came near me asking if he could joying me for lunch. He had a little girl, the same age as mine I guess. "I am Shawn and this is Elizabeth. If you don't mind I would like sitting here and we can maybe have a chat." 
I though why not?. Babysitting is quite boring sometimes, and if you could speak with someone it's always better than look at the phone to check the time. 

He is american from California and he has two children who make him very tired, particularly now that he is out of work. "I have a contract with the mother: until I have no job, the children are with me." 
"Are you the mother?" he asked to me.

"No, I am the nanny." "I am a part-time nanny, waitress and hostess...I have to save money for buying my camera". "I am a video-journalist." 

He liked my answer. He asked me some other questions about my background and what I do in my free time. 
I answered very vague and continued to eat my salad. I didn't want to be late to pick up the other child so asked for the bill and got ready to leave. 

He did the same and left with me. I knew he lived in Hampstead because he told me before, but he was coming in the opposite way with me. 
"Why are you following me? You should go in the other direction."
"I would like asking you something. Could I?"
"Of course"
"I would like being direct with you."
"Please, do. I like direct people."

"So... Do you know the first thing I though as soon as I saw you?"
"I saw you ass and I though I would like fucking with you. Wild sex. When you want. When you are free. Just call me."

I was astonished. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. 

"Yes. With my partner is not going very well for a long time and I miss making a good sex." 
"So are you married?" I asked.
"Yes". He explained to me he is married, but the marriage is over now and in two years it will end. He just need to wait the children grow up a bit. 
"Are you looking for a girlfriend?"
"No. I just want a fuck-friend. I am a good cooker. I can come over your place, two hours, cook you something and we will have sex in the kitchen: on the table."

This man is a pervert. Why me? I am looking after a 1 year old baby. I am completely messy and unattractive because of the weather.

What is wrong with me?

I had to think to find the best way to discharge him. "Sorry, I am not interested in wild sex with you actually. I am not this kid of girl. I mean, I do not have a boyfriend, but I am not making sex around just to control my stress level. 

He kept persuading me, and I was not able to make him stop speaking so I had to change the strategy.
"Ok. I have to run now. I am so late. You have to give to me your number I will think about."

He felt happy. He wrote his number on paper. My phone was switched off, pretending to be without battery. 

"Thank you. See you soon." And I started running with the buggy and the baby inside. 

At the end of the street, I slowed down. I was impressed. What happen to all these men? Are they crazy? 
Married, Unmarried, singles, gay and engaged. They don't care. They just want to fuck around.

Actually, I am not against enjoying sex. But honesty and respect are also very important.  

I arrived to the nursery and waited for the other child coming out.  
I was still thinking about him and his question.
Maybe, I can't be too judgmental: every body has sexual fantasies.  
I also have my "Mr Big" I really would love having sex with, but I haven't told him yet. But this is another story. 

Sunday 23 September 2012

Should I have the Hermes bag?

I always believed coffee shops are the place for special meetings. Four years ago, while I was shopping with my mum, I met Madonna in a Starbucks in Notting Hill; in another Starbucks two months ago I started chatting with a lady who offered me a job. 
Today it was even better because I was offered a Hermes bag.

It was cold and raining a lot: the perfect weather for a cappuccino. 
I was early for my appointment and I popped into a Cafe Nero in Central London.
I am quite fussy about my coffee as I like it not to strong with a lot of foam, soya milk and no chocolate. I usually take 5 minutes to explain to the barista how I like it and he always get it wrong. But this morning I knew it was a special day because he got it immediately.

I took a seat near the window and I started reading a book I am now carrying with me to research for my new project. It is called The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl: memoirs of a former London call girl written by Dr. Brooke Magnanti, under the pseudonym Belle de Jour.

I noticed behind me there was a bizarre old man, dressed in an eccentric black and read suit with nice glasses, but I haven't paid too much attention. London is full of extravagant people!
He was underlining and cutting magazines and pages of newspaper. I looked at him and smiled. 

I felt hungry and took out my brazilian nuts and eat a couple of them. I love reading and eating nuts!!!

I didn't realized I read for more than 30 minutes and I was late. I quickly put on my black jacket and leopard scarf and I was ready to leave when the man called me back. "Are you a leopard?"

"What's wired question is it?" "You are funny, I just like it"

"I like it as you want an Hermes bag?"

 "Are you drunk??? Why an Hermes bag?"
I started laughing.
People turned their face to us, interested in our conversation.

 "I give you an Hermes bag, black, do you like black?" "No commitments, no kiss, it is a cadeu for you. Yes or no? Do you like it?"

"Obviously I like it, but why???"
"It is a cadeu, not be worried. I am engaged. Come here Wednesday afternoon and you can have your bag. If you don't come you will lose it".

I was in rush and I said hello to him politely, laughing and these kind of things just happen to me. Maybe I attracted him because I was reading that book or because of my leopard scarf. 
There are different possible options: maybe he was drunk at 11.30 in the morning, or he wanted to seduce me for clear reasons or it is completely crazy. 

Obviously it is not normal meeting someone who offer to you a free Hermes bag without having anything back. It sounds too strange.

I went to my appointment and I enjoyed my day around the city. I went on the top of V&A museum to see the Prisma installation and later to the Tower Bridge Exhibition. 

Back home I am still thinking about that strange meeting.

Shall I have to go on Wednesday to get my Hermes free bag????

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Should Paralympics and Olympics be incorporated into a single event?

The Paralympic Movement

Paralympics Games haven’t always been a separated event from the Olympics.
The first organised athletic event for disabled athletes took place on the day of the opening of the 1948 Olympics in London. It was called 1948 International Wheelchair Games organised by neurologist Sir Ludwig Guttmann. All the World War II veterans with spinal cord injuries at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital were involved in the sport competition. Sir Guttman’s competion aims to be equivalent to the Olympic Games, with the only difference they were for people with disabilities.
From that day the Paralympic movement has grown dramatically, and it was always hold in the same event until The Seoul Games, where the Paralympics were held directly after the Olympic Summer Games in the same host city, and using the same facilities. This was the first time the term Paralympic has been used. One year later the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) was established and started to act as an independent body with its own identity.

From there and today many things have been changed.

The interest and involvement in the Paralympics Games is growing up, and more people with disabilities are getting involved in sport at a competitive level. The number of athletes speeds up from 400 in 1960 Rome Games to over 3,900 athletes from 146 countries in 2008 Beijing and at 2012 London Paralympics they will be 7,000, which is impressive.

Looking at the future of the Paralympic games

One of the issues of debate around the event coming up in London in less than 2 weeks is if the Paralympics should be kept separated from the Olympics or combined in one single event?

Tying to answer to this question was the focus of the panel discussion organised by UCL (University College London)  at Senate House, London, on 13 August.

The “inclusive Games”

The conference kicked off with David Howe, a former Paralympian and Senior Lecturer in Anthropology of Sport at Loughborough University. He stressed on the social value of legacy for people with impairments for an “inclusive sport”.  Reaching that  means that people need to think with a different paradigm in their mind.  The term “inclusion” is not the result of the media focus on “inspirational athletes” (ex the exposure to the media of Oscar Pistorius during the London 2012 Olympics) neither a comparison to the Olympic movement. Being properly inclusive means having a different attitude and perception of disable sport, understanding the social justice with differences. “If the Paralympic Games follow in the shadow the Olympics the dream of “inclusion” will be harder to achieve”.

Money value

Mark Dyer, the Accessible Transport Manager at the London 2012 Olympic Delivery Authority, spoke from the work prospective and tell about the logistic problems implied in having just one event. 
The integration between the two Games raises a debate on independence and identity as well as the money issue. 
One of the crucial point the International Paralympics Committee faces is about funding and sponsorship.  
The Paralympics movement is growing very fast in term of athletes involved, from different countries and also the number of sports. London is one of the most advanced City for accessibility in sport. Having Olympics and Paralympics  combined in one event suggest a better organisation and improvement in accommodations and venues.

Legacy has not just a social value but also a money value.

The question is how it will be possible to level the differences between the Games, and if today is already the right time for a fusion or if it still is too early.

Paralympics tickets are more accessible and affordable. For this reason the interest in the Paralympics is picking up particularly among the young generation with the consequent effect of most people involved in sport and a big request of accessible sport venue. 
Obviously money can help to solve the problems, and here is where the political authority steps in.

The debate was re-launched by Prof Nora Groce, the Director of the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre.
What is the decision to combine the Game?

The Media Challenge: Channel 4

Dan Brooke spoke for Channel 4, pointing out the mission for the channel’s coverage of the Paralympics. The Director of Communications and Marketing at Channel 4 stressed on the identity of Channel 4 as a state owned public service broadcaster looking at innovation, reflecting the culture’s diversity and discovering talents. 
Based on that, the decision to bid for the rights to cover 2012 London Paralympics was directed to change the perception of people with disabilities. 
Channel 4 reframes what the Paralympics are, discovering a new audience for disable sports.

They launch a bold marketing promotional campaign on Superhumans, and the public response to it was huge.
The changes in broadcasting the Paralympics involve the amount of hours of transmissions, which are 4 times much more as in the past, and the fact that half of their presenters and reporters have impairments. The channel spent half a million pounds to train that people and hopes that they will carry on with a career in the media.

Dan Brook’s answer to the controversial question if the Games should be combined is clear. Obviously this will a good decision to make based on the principle of equality. However the complexity in how combining the two events is still there.  
There is also the fear that unique identity of Paralympics, which is the strength of the Paralympics, will be lost.

The single event is the travel route, and the integration started in the individuals sports (ex.GB cycling), where athletes train together and use the same facilities, is very interesting indeed.
It is not more about special events happening every 4 years, it is about every day sport. One of the Channel 4’s future goals is to have weekly sport programmes, and it needs to be shown that there is an audience for disable sport. 
So we just have to wait to see which it will be the response to the 2012 Paralympics' coverage.

Suggestions and conclusions

The debated was very animated, also for the feedback and interest showed from public at the UCL debate.
People stressed on the involvement of children in disable sport to guarantee equality as a right issue. Children are influenced and inspired by the Games and  the media coverage. They like having idols and models. Seeing children signing up to the gym because they what to run as Mo Farah is just amazing and so positive for our next generation. 

About the Closing Ceremony someone suggest it will be better if it was the end of the Paralympic Games no at the end of the Olympics Games as they are same events separated by 2 weeks time.

Paralympic movement are growing fast and soon they will be part of a more "Inclusive Games".
One of the person from the public made a interesting state “ Olympics are there to show the perfect and ideal body; Paralympics accept the reality that all the people are not the same. 

Monday 13 August 2012

Ai Weiwei: the cat who opens the door.

The difference between cats and humans is that cats can be taught themselves how to open a door, but they do not close it after. Humans do.
Ai Weiwei, the chinese dissident artist who design the Birds’ Nest stadium for the Beijijn Olympics four years ago, is that cat. He became widely known in the UK with the Sunflower Seeds installation at Tate Modern in 2010.
The documentary by Alison Klayman “ Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry” tells us the greatness of the China’s most famous artist, focussing on the lasting legacy he had left and how his creative thinking challenges the Chinese Communist State.
The education and experience in America taught him the freedom of speech and ideas he brought in China and put into his art.
His chutzpah, his international fame and the very fact he was an artist make him immune to the state harassment for long time.
However his art was making changes in people’s mind, as art always does. The stress on creativity and freedom expressed in art is just a reflection of what people think.  During the Sichuan earthquake, Ai Weiwei made a Citizen's Investigation quite controversial against political statements, and from this the State starts to be more concerned about him.

Humans can close the door behind them.

Chinese Government jailed Ai Weiwei for 3 months last year as detainee No 1,135 ostensibly on tax charges. It also decided on the demolition of his Shanghai studio.
They would like shutting up his voice and stopping his movement with the "excuse" of tax evasion. A motivation to justify an action has always to be found.
Unfortunately, keeping Ai Weiwei in a cell for 81 days was not enough to stop his ideas growing in the society. He used twitter and blogs as the main channel to communicate his art and democracy’s campaign.

Web leaves the door open

The documentary ends with the words "Never Retreat, Re-tweet".
Particularly in the modern era, where Social Networks and Internet break all the limits and barriers, doors remains perpetually opened. Ai Weiwei acts as a cat taught itself how to open door and live it opened forever.

Communist State's future 

The question comes naturally. Which is the future of Communist States, as China, where the main party rules the county restricting freedom and creativity?
We know there is limited access in China on Internet and Social Network, as Facebook and YouTube.The Party wants to controls people thoughts in order to preserve stability and order. People are mainly citizens: part of the State and all together have to row in the same line. Dissidents are kept quite, because they can be dangerous and harm the system. But for how long you can detain the power and the control on people's mind in a world based on global connections?

Ai Weiwei Never sorry documents that it is not possible anymore. The power of the Web based on a global community moves across states, nations and communities. You just have to re-tweet.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Malik Bendjelloul films the music anti-hero. Greatness art of camera movement searching for "Sugar man".

A man walks in the street. Strong wind and heavy snow don’t stop him. He continues to go ahead, steps by steps.  The camera watches him, panning his walk without interfering. With his black coat, skinny jeans and stylish sunglasses the unknown man become a stylized cartoon character.

Who is the unknown man?

His name is shrouded in mystery and silence.
Some people call him “Sugar man” from his lyric, but Sixto Rodriguez is more than a common folk-rock singer.
The Mexican-American singer, who wrote songs about drugs and love in the 1970s, ends up working in constructions in a gloomy and cold Detroit. Unfortunately his music career finished quite soon after the flop of his two albums, and he was quickly forgotten. The American didn’t understand the blues tunes of his poetic and social engaged lyrics. They build up rumours on his premature suicide related to drugs. 

In another part of the world, in South Africa his album Cold Fact sold more than half a million copies and his music inspired the white liberal movement protesting against Apartheid. He was a celebrity there as Elvis, as big as the Stones were in USA.
He was the “Sugar Man” for the protesters: the idol in their mind. Never seen or touched, just heart.
However no one knew that, and Rodriguez had never received any royalties for his success in Africa.
“Sugar man” went off the stage and disappeared. He left the spots lights in silent and carried on with his life.

The documentary starts with the investigations of two Rodriguez’s huge fans in South Africa, trying to find out what happened to him. Cape Town record store owner Steve Segerman and music journalist Craig Bartholomew contacted people, friends, anyone connected with Rodriguez; they analyzed his songs searching for any traces or details of the singer's death.

Arts of filming

The camera is panning Cape Town from the bottom to the top. Following the two fans on the cars, in the bar, in the streets and suburbs  searching for "Sugar Man".  The director uses the camera to investigate, across the cities, across the countries. And finally it found him, in Detroit.
The first person showed his her daughter, who commented on the blog set up in order to find his father. “Sugar Man” is alive and has a family. 

He made the anti-conformist choice to live his own life. Rodriguez didn’t care about public recognitions and the superficial and excited sense of fame and popularity. He lives in a modest house in the suburb and walks every day to go to work. The camera pans his steps, following him in the street. He doesn’t care about the camera and keep straight.

The anti-hero who chose a normal.

His behaviours is quite different from the mass. Maybe he is shy, maybe he is just a realistic man who knows dreams and popularity can’t make you happy.
People try all the ways through to be in front of the camera, to be on the stage and have a bit of popularity.
"Sugar man" is the antithesis of a star. He wrote songs from his thoughts, dreams, sensations and emotions. And then he disappeared to live his private life.
People look for a public life and this is more important than other decisions as having a families and children. People though he died for suicide because of drugs and alcohol. A wrong thought. He was rising up his three daughters and working in renovation of buildings.

This is what people today do not understand: living your own life. Nowadays a public image and appearance counts more. All is around the desire to be famous, have recognised your talent not because you have it but because you can show it to other people, all over the world. People have lost the sense and value of good principles. Things that really matter have been completely forgotten. Our life is a reality show where everyone wants to be on the screen to show his/her private. 
There is no more difference between public and private, even worse people want their private on the top of the programming. Personal life makes gossips and VIP scandals make more money than a respectable job.

Where is the limit of your private, your personal space, your individuality, your identity?
Where are you? You do not think anymore but it is the mass, the audience, the public of the reality show that thinks for you and you do what they want, what make them excited about.

"Sugar man" is the antihero. He is the anti-model of our corrupted society.

When dreams come true.

The Rodriguez’s revenge starts when Steve Segerman and Craig Bartholomew discovered him in Detroit. Finally “Sugar man” can have his moment of glory. He flew to Africa where he was recognised as a music master. During his concert, the stadium full of people of any ages screaming and crying just because they were able to see their idol.
Rodriguez came to the modern world build on superficial appearance. Like a dream never expected. Publicity, advertising, photos in a newspaper, press interview. All for him. All like a present never received. 
After that day in Africa he is back to Detroit and the dream stops.

The camera could film him. The media have got their icon. And they use him and his images to make money. They do not need him any more. He hasn't made money from that day.  Someone else makes money, someone that use people and sell dreams in order to make money, delivering dreams and emotions to the public.

One of the daughters tells it clearly. Someone else is rich, not my father. We live a modest life.

Searching for a real person, searching for the man that as sugar sweets the heart of the Africans and then disappears leaving the nice taste in your mouth. 
Sugar is sweet, but it melts very quickly.
Your 90 sec of popularity are like sugar. You will remember forever the amazing experience, but after that nothing left. Just a desire to have more of it. 

Sunday 24 June 2012

Shape in the Media approach towards disability

The actual Media system is a complicated relationship between editorial agenda and audience. Editors and producers decide which stories report on basing on what can make news or suggest interest across their audience.
The key point is simple: tell something unconventionaldifferent or that can create debate and oppositions. People don’t like happy endings, and a plain world without problems to be solved, issues to discuss on and challenges to prove your determination and success will not be a human world. What will be news?

Impact the audience

The structure of any stories is based on conflict. Consequently what raises interest from the ordinary life is actually the difference and the challenge connected to. Stories on different bodies, on different people push up the audience rate.

Newspaper, magazines sell millions of copies on gossip and scandals. TVs compete in reality shows and factual programmes, where the philosophy of a famous and rich perfect body dominates and dictates trends. There are few documentaries aim to open the audience towards diversity. In the West, the Media system has created his small world based on stereotypes, prejudices, and frail certainty.

Disable people are the opposite face of the coin.

The word disability 
Disable people are different from an able body person. Not because they are less or more, better or worst. They are different because the wide range and variety of their peculiarities make actually impossible to put them in a large pan and identify them with a specific name. 

However, the Media system can do just that. Classifying them as disable person as showing their difference as a problem.
But do you know how many visual impaired there are which their singular sight? Or what are all the different medical issues for a wheelchair user?
Every disable person is different from another disable, and what makes both of them similar is the fact they are not the same as an able body.

Stories on disability 

Based on that difference, it is easy for the Media call all of them just disable people, and represent them with a stress on their impairments and problems.
Obviously this attitude can be seen as discrimination and, in the same time, exclusion from the “able” world. But the real reason is that is the only way the actual Media system is able to represent them, because it lacks skills in understanding the meaning to be disable. If the editorial agenda of the Media is decided by  "able" people how can they change their reporting on disability if the haven’t experienced what being disable means? They have no idea on the voyager that every day a disable person has to do in order to live and do the same things every one of us do.

The shift is up to us. It is possible to change how we perceive disable people, but it need a complete shift in our mind and our representation of the whole world.

Shape  the Media system

Media can report differently on disability if they have knowledge on living a disable life. This means shaping the actual government settings and establishment. It is needed a change in story telling: the focus needs to move on other principles instead on the superficial perfect body every one of us dreams.

Change stories, change prospective on things, on values to communicate.
It will be a long journey toward a more mature human being.

People are fed up by this system focused on appearance and money, where if you do not fit in the bespoken society you are out. People want a more honest, truthful and open-minded place to love in.

The miss-understood assumptions and generalisations about disability lead to broad the meaning of this world.
Nowadays disabilities can cover everything. All the misfits people in the society. All the people with mental health issues, physical problems, social and relational difficulties. 

The question comes straightforward: who is not disable?

Understanding the diversity

The first step is to understand the meaning of being “disable”. The term disable used nowadays stresses on the difference from a fully able body. Dis+able, or not able. 

However, this term can mean not having the same abilities. Difference doesn’t mean less, but suggests diversity and enrichment. A blind person boosts his/her hearing and sense of touch because he/she can't see properly. A deaf person can read your mouth and your body language with an unbelievable precision, understanding perfectly what are you saying and how do you feel.

Understanding the difference and incorporating it in the system as a valuable research are the key of the progress and the secret of growing.

The shape in the Media starts from that understanding. Change of prospective and editorial agenda, change in reporting and journalists, change in the world flexibility.

Obviously this is going together with a change in the audience. What the audience wants and find interesting to see, to listen, to experience.

Education and families are extremely important in change prospective.

Including the difference without prejudice, instead of underlying it.

Paralympics as a chance to start differently

The challenge of Channel 4 in reporting on the 2012 Paralympics can be a chance. The turning point as well as the beginning of a shape in the Media. What the meaning and the future of these new disable reporters and presenters? We hope they are not going to fade as noctilucent starlights.