The difference between cats and humans is that cats can be taught
themselves how to open a door, but they do not close it after. Humans do.
Ai Weiwei, the chinese dissident artist who design the Birds’ Nest
stadium for the Beijijn Olympics four years ago, is that cat. He became widely known in the UK with the Sunflower Seeds
installation at Tate Modern in 2010.
The documentary by Alison Klayman “ Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry” tells us the
greatness of the China’s most famous artist, focussing on the lasting legacy he
had left and how his creative thinking challenges the Chinese Communist State.
The education and experience in America taught him the freedom of speech
and ideas he brought in China and put into his art.
His chutzpah, his international fame and the very fact he
was an artist make him immune to the state harassment for long time.
However his art was making changes in people’s mind, as
art always does. The stress on creativity and freedom expressed in art is just
a reflection of what people think. During the Sichuan earthquake, Ai Weiwei made a Citizen's
Investigation quite controversial against political statements, and from this
the State starts to be more concerned about him.
Humans can close the door behind them.
Chinese Government jailed Ai Weiwei for 3 months last year as
detainee No 1,135 ostensibly on tax charges. It
also decided on the demolition of his Shanghai studio.
They would like shutting up his voice and stopping his movement with the "excuse" of tax evasion. A motivation to justify an action has always to be found.
Unfortunately, keeping Ai Weiwei in a cell for 81 days was not enough
to stop his ideas growing in the society. He used twitter and blogs as the main
channel to communicate his art and democracy’s campaign.
Web leaves the door open
The documentary ends with the words "Never Retreat,
Particularly in the modern era, where Social Networks and
Internet break all the limits and barriers, doors remains perpetually opened.
Ai Weiwei acts as a cat taught itself how to open door and live it opened
Communist State's future
The question comes naturally. Which is the future of
Communist States, as China, where the main party rules the county restricting
freedom and creativity?
We know there is limited access in China on Internet and Social
Network, as Facebook and YouTube.The Party wants to controls people
thoughts in order to preserve stability and order. People are mainly
citizens: part of the State and
all together have to row in the same line. Dissidents are kept quite, because
they can be dangerous and harm the system. But for how long you can detain the power and the
control on people's mind in a world based on global connections?
Ai Weiwei Never sorry documents that it is not possible
anymore. The power of the Web based on a global community moves across states, nations and communities. You just have to re-tweet.
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