Monday 24 September 2012

Baby-sitting&Wild sex

If you are single and you are looking for a man, you should be a bit old-fashion and traditional. Clubs are not the best place to find your "Mr Big".  You should go out with your dog for a walk in Hampstead Heath, or take a longer shopping in your local Waitrose around 8 pm or even better go to the church on Sunday morning. There you maybe can find the right person and start to date him.

However, this is just an odd saying. Nowadays it seems all men are perverted.

My today story is quite strange. I was babysitting two nice kids in my local area. I started at 8 am this morning and the day plan was quite simple: breakfast, then dress them up, bring the 4 years old to nursery in St. John Woods at 10am and pick him up at 3pm; in the meanwhile going to Swiss Cottage with the 1 year old baby where there is a nice playing centre. 

After fighting with them to put the clothes on, we took a taxi to the nursery because we were running late. 
From there, I decided to walk with the baby in the buggy to Swiss Cottage. It was a bad idea. It started raining very heavy and I had no umbrella. I recovered in a Costa but I was already completely wet. Fortunately the baby was fine covered with a plastic sheet.

I had a tea and the baby ate a snack. I waited more than one hour until it stopped raining and we went to Swiss Cottage. I was completely horrible because of the weather and my hair and all my clothes were wet. 
There is a cafè close to the playing centre, and I remembered they make nice salads there. I was so hungry that I decided to take some time to eat. 

The baby was quite. I gave him his bottle of milk and I ordered a tuna salad. The place was crowed, maybe because of the weather. A nice man came near me asking if he could joying me for lunch. He had a little girl, the same age as mine I guess. "I am Shawn and this is Elizabeth. If you don't mind I would like sitting here and we can maybe have a chat." 
I though why not?. Babysitting is quite boring sometimes, and if you could speak with someone it's always better than look at the phone to check the time. 

He is american from California and he has two children who make him very tired, particularly now that he is out of work. "I have a contract with the mother: until I have no job, the children are with me." 
"Are you the mother?" he asked to me.

"No, I am the nanny." "I am a part-time nanny, waitress and hostess...I have to save money for buying my camera". "I am a video-journalist." 

He liked my answer. He asked me some other questions about my background and what I do in my free time. 
I answered very vague and continued to eat my salad. I didn't want to be late to pick up the other child so asked for the bill and got ready to leave. 

He did the same and left with me. I knew he lived in Hampstead because he told me before, but he was coming in the opposite way with me. 
"Why are you following me? You should go in the other direction."
"I would like asking you something. Could I?"
"Of course"
"I would like being direct with you."
"Please, do. I like direct people."

"So... Do you know the first thing I though as soon as I saw you?"
"I saw you ass and I though I would like fucking with you. Wild sex. When you want. When you are free. Just call me."

I was astonished. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. 

"Yes. With my partner is not going very well for a long time and I miss making a good sex." 
"So are you married?" I asked.
"Yes". He explained to me he is married, but the marriage is over now and in two years it will end. He just need to wait the children grow up a bit. 
"Are you looking for a girlfriend?"
"No. I just want a fuck-friend. I am a good cooker. I can come over your place, two hours, cook you something and we will have sex in the kitchen: on the table."

This man is a pervert. Why me? I am looking after a 1 year old baby. I am completely messy and unattractive because of the weather.

What is wrong with me?

I had to think to find the best way to discharge him. "Sorry, I am not interested in wild sex with you actually. I am not this kid of girl. I mean, I do not have a boyfriend, but I am not making sex around just to control my stress level. 

He kept persuading me, and I was not able to make him stop speaking so I had to change the strategy.
"Ok. I have to run now. I am so late. You have to give to me your number I will think about."

He felt happy. He wrote his number on paper. My phone was switched off, pretending to be without battery. 

"Thank you. See you soon." And I started running with the buggy and the baby inside. 

At the end of the street, I slowed down. I was impressed. What happen to all these men? Are they crazy? 
Married, Unmarried, singles, gay and engaged. They don't care. They just want to fuck around.

Actually, I am not against enjoying sex. But honesty and respect are also very important.  

I arrived to the nursery and waited for the other child coming out.  
I was still thinking about him and his question.
Maybe, I can't be too judgmental: every body has sexual fantasies.  
I also have my "Mr Big" I really would love having sex with, but I haven't told him yet. But this is another story. 

Sunday 23 September 2012

Should I have the Hermes bag?

I always believed coffee shops are the place for special meetings. Four years ago, while I was shopping with my mum, I met Madonna in a Starbucks in Notting Hill; in another Starbucks two months ago I started chatting with a lady who offered me a job. 
Today it was even better because I was offered a Hermes bag.

It was cold and raining a lot: the perfect weather for a cappuccino. 
I was early for my appointment and I popped into a Cafe Nero in Central London.
I am quite fussy about my coffee as I like it not to strong with a lot of foam, soya milk and no chocolate. I usually take 5 minutes to explain to the barista how I like it and he always get it wrong. But this morning I knew it was a special day because he got it immediately.

I took a seat near the window and I started reading a book I am now carrying with me to research for my new project. It is called The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl: memoirs of a former London call girl written by Dr. Brooke Magnanti, under the pseudonym Belle de Jour.

I noticed behind me there was a bizarre old man, dressed in an eccentric black and read suit with nice glasses, but I haven't paid too much attention. London is full of extravagant people!
He was underlining and cutting magazines and pages of newspaper. I looked at him and smiled. 

I felt hungry and took out my brazilian nuts and eat a couple of them. I love reading and eating nuts!!!

I didn't realized I read for more than 30 minutes and I was late. I quickly put on my black jacket and leopard scarf and I was ready to leave when the man called me back. "Are you a leopard?"

"What's wired question is it?" "You are funny, I just like it"

"I like it as you want an Hermes bag?"

 "Are you drunk??? Why an Hermes bag?"
I started laughing.
People turned their face to us, interested in our conversation.

 "I give you an Hermes bag, black, do you like black?" "No commitments, no kiss, it is a cadeu for you. Yes or no? Do you like it?"

"Obviously I like it, but why???"
"It is a cadeu, not be worried. I am engaged. Come here Wednesday afternoon and you can have your bag. If you don't come you will lose it".

I was in rush and I said hello to him politely, laughing and these kind of things just happen to me. Maybe I attracted him because I was reading that book or because of my leopard scarf. 
There are different possible options: maybe he was drunk at 11.30 in the morning, or he wanted to seduce me for clear reasons or it is completely crazy. 

Obviously it is not normal meeting someone who offer to you a free Hermes bag without having anything back. It sounds too strange.

I went to my appointment and I enjoyed my day around the city. I went on the top of V&A museum to see the Prisma installation and later to the Tower Bridge Exhibition. 

Back home I am still thinking about that strange meeting.

Shall I have to go on Wednesday to get my Hermes free bag????