Sunday 12 February 2012

Advices to revive your relationship

Valentine’s Day is running up, and people get excited, thinking about how surprise their partner.

The key word is romance. Nowadays life is terribly busy and there is no much time to think about the value of our love. Valentine’s Day is set in order to remember us to celebrate it.

What are tips to restore and  feel more connected and close with your lover?

1.    Communication is extremely important.

Sharing thoughts, talking problems out and dealing with them to find a solution together. Silent is against any relationship because how can you know and try to understand what someone is thinking if you don’t ask?.

Being a couple means find the common ground and get a compromise in any decision.

2.    Kindness and little things make the difference.

Small gestures are so crucial: compliments to make your partner noteworthy or a sincere “thank you” to show appreciation about what he is doing for you.

3.    Physical contact is necessary to maintain your relationship strengths.

Kissing, hugging, and least but not less decisive a vital sex life.

4.    Surprises are always welcomed.

Unexpected card, flowers or gift, can mean a lot. They can be a delightful way to say sorry for a distressing argument or an annoyed misunderstanding.

5.    Special events are required to revitalize the normal routine.

A valid example is a trip together, relaxing in the seaside or discovering a new city.

Planning something different from everyday life is an excellent choice in order to renovate your loving feeling and experience something new.

Novelty brings always exciting.

In addition, some moments have to be underlined and ritualised because nothing is worthless in a relationship.

A lusty love is based on small steps, whose have to be remembered.

6.    Personal space.

In a relationship it is crucial and healthy taking your own time to your hobbies, to your friends and family. Everyone needs personal space to not fell oppressed and overwhelmed.

7.    Love is trust.

A mature understanding of your partner’s demands.

Relationship means a project together, and trust and confidence are essential. You have to rely on each other, having relaxing feelings and a sense of mutual support.

8.    Be honest.

It is better  avoiding lies and keep on telling the true, even if it is not pleasant. In this way, you are more reliable, and at the bottom of the line all coming up to the evidence. It is better facing problems immediately and directly and not trying to hid them.

9.    Not forget respect.

This most unforgettable element is so relevant in a relationship. It is related with feelings, ideas, opinions, goals and desires. Imposing your thinking and the decision is always hurtful. All the people are different, as well your lover is not the same as you. Sometimes can be difficult to accept an opposite view or will but this can show how extensive is your love.

10.    Listening.

Relationship is not only in one sense. Some people are so selfish that are able just to point out their problems and worries and treat their partner as a fixer. However, love is not that. Love is listening your companion, knowing his life, his ambitions and what he likes, without taking out his freedom and invading his life. He has to feel your presence next to him and your understanding.

A loving relationship is not easy to have been made working. It needs daily attentions and a lot of patience. Love can give you so much in life, but you need to keep it, making it bigger and stronger day to day.

Today Valentine’s Day is become a commercial event. A business for shop sellers. People are used to buy material present  and sometimes sent it by post because they are away working. The meaning of this festive day is different. It is a love celebration and money are not going to give you love. They are just a trace of love. Unusual trip, a memorable dinner or time shared together can means more.

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